
Civil Society
08 Oct 2014
The report highlights the crucial role of civil society in the progress made towards achieving the Right to Adequate Food
8 October 2014, Rome – “Civil society has played a key role in the implementation of the Guidelines and has contribuited to including the Right to Adequate Food in the constitutions of 28 countries,” stated Jomo K. Sundaram, Assistant Director General – Coordinator for Economic and Social Development Department, FAO, during the presentation of the report by The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium this morning at FAO Headquarters. The 2014 Watch analyzes the “gains, concerns and struggles,” in the past ten years since the Voluntary Guidelines on the Right to Adequate Food were approved by the FAO...
02 Oct 2014
On 50th anniversary, partners celebrate innovation in nuclear application for food and agriculture
Rome - As soil degradation, pests and livestock diseases continue to pose major threats to food security and food safety worldwide, there’s an increasing role for peaceful applications of nuclear technologies in food and agricultural development.  This was the message conveyed by partners at an event highlighting successes of 50 years of the Joint Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, a strategic partnership between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and FAO created in 1964. “The world may have changed since then, but the need, through technology, to provide more, better and safer food while sustaining...
Private Sector
02 Oct 2014
“With logistics you can move and change the world”, Kuehne Foundation Managing Director says
FAO and the Kuehne Foundation, the Swiss-based foundation focusing on training, education and research in the field of transport and logistics, are committing to cooperation in capacity building and knowledge exchange in logistics for agriculture - in emergencies and for development of efficient food and agricultural systems.    A memorandum of understanding signed today by FAO’s Director of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division (AGS), Eugenia Serova, and the Managing Director of the Kuehne Foundation, Martin Willhaus, sets a broad framework of programmes to: 1) alleviate suffering of populations affected by the growing number of crises, ranging from natural disasters to conflicts,...
Civil Society
24 Sep 2014
UNEP and FAO to work together under new MoU
New York, 24 September 2014 – In a world where increasing urbanization, rising populations, and expanding agricultural land use are encroaching on ecosystems and impacting on biodiversity, two United Nations agencies have come together to work for a more sustainable future. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that builds on the two agencies’ past collaborations and adds four priority work areas. “Partnerships of this kind are essential if we are to meet the challenges and demands of our changing environment and social landscape,” said Achim Steiner,...
Private Sector
23 Sep 2014
Фотографии для участия в конкурсе принимаются до 16 октября 2014 года
В сотрудничестве с журналом «National Geographic» ФАО учредила международный фотоконкурс, целью которого является привлечение внимания к важности здорового питания для человека и общества в целом. Конкурс пройдет в преддверии 2-ой Международной конференции, посвященной вопросам питания (МКП-2), организованной совместно ФАО и ВОЗ в Риме 19-21 ноября. К конкурсу будут допущены фотографии, передающие две основные концепции: Качество питания важно как в развивающихся, так в развитых странах мира Здоровое питание начинается с аграрных систем, которые должны быть ориентированы на производство качественных продуктов питания. Работы на конкурс принимаются до 16 октября 2014 года до 12:00 по центральноевропейскому...