
11 Jul 2018
New agreement aims to harness the power of fisheries and aquaculture research
10 Jul 2018
Partnership to promote sustainable agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
21 Feb 2018
On 16 February FAO and four major French research and education institutions signed new partnership agreements.
On 16 February FAO and four major French research and education institutions - the Agriculture Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), the National Institute for Agriculture Research (INRA), the National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) and the French Agricultural, Veterinary and Forestry Institute (Agreenium) signed new partnership agreements to increase joint efforts for development of innovative food security and environment-sensitive approaches that contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. The new partnerships will focus on agroecology; sustainable natural resources management in the context of climate change; sustainable territorial development; agriculture innovation for family farmers; sustainable and...
05 Dec 2017
Looking back over the past four years of their successful partnership, FAO and Cirad are honoring this occasion through the co-publication of the Highlights of the FAO-Cirad partnership
Looking back over the past four years of their successful partnership, FAO and Cirad are honoring this occasion through the co-publication of the Highlights of the FAO-Cirad partnership. This E-booklet underscores the principles, vision and goals of the partnership that has fostered the successful collaborations on themes such as agroecology, animal health, family farming and climate change. FAO and Cirad look forward to the next phase of partnership with a view of making even greater impact at national, regional and global levels to foster the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.