
Civil Society
15 Apr 2013
This is the first in a series of civil society organization (CSO) dialogues
The Office of Partnerships and Advocacy Branch (OCPP) is launching a series of CSO dialogues on key issues of concern to FAO. The dialogues provide a forum for civil society perspectives to be heard and discussed with FAO staff. The first session titled Plant Genetic Resources: perspectives from the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) will be held on Tuesday April 16th. The IPC will present its working group on seeds and agrobiodiversity.  IPC is an international network that brings together several global and regional organizations representing small scale food producers, fisherfolks, agricultural workers and indigenous peoples. It plays an active...
Civil Society
09 Apr 2013
Representatives of indigenous peoples talk about joint work
Currently there are more than 370 million self-identified indigenous peoples in some 70 countries around the world. They have made relevant contributions to the world´s heritage thanks to their traditional understanding of ecosystem management. However, indigenous peoples are among the world´s most vulnerable, marginalized and disadvantaged groups in the world. Indigenous peoples have repeatedly asked for a more systematic dialogue with United Nations agencies. In 2010, FAO released the "FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples", with the objective to provide guidance to the agency's various technical units and encourage staff in headquarters and in the regions, as well as staff...
Private Sector
06 Apr 2013
FAO's governing Council today approved two new Strategies aimed at strengthening FAO's partnerships with civil society organizations on the one hand and the private sector on the other.
Rome - FAO's  governing Council today approved two new Strategies aimed at strengthening FAO's partnerships with civil society organizations on the one hand and the private sector on the other. The Strategies provide a framework for FAO's work with private and civil society partners in pursuit of the Organization's Strategic Objectives and the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.Thanking the Council for its approval, Director-General José Graziano da Silva said, "We have repeated many times that it is possible to end hunger only if we work together. These strategies show that we are committed to working with...
Private Sector
06 Apr 2013
FAO participated to the United Nations System Private Sector Focal Points Meeting 2013, “Strengthening Partnership Synergies for Local Impact”, held from 24 to 25 April at the ILO Headquarters, Geneva, organized together with multiple UN agencies.
Geneva - FAO participated to the United Nations System Private Sector Focal Points Meeting 2013, “Strengthening Partnership Synergies for Local Impact”, held from 24 to 25 April at the ILO Headquarters, Geneva, organized together with ILO, OCHA, UNDP, UNGC, UNICEF and UNWOMEN. The meeting brought together experts from a large number of UN agencies and the World Bank as well as business representatives of Multinational Companies and of the Global Compact local network to discuss partnering with extractive industries for local growth, business-led skills development programs, engaging the private sector in preparedness and resilience-building and country-level approaches to implementing global initiatives. The Meeting convened approximately...
Civil Society
20 Mar 2013
Meeting urges disaster risk reduction instead of crisis management
Geneva, 15 March, 2013 – A top-level United Nations conference has, for the first time, laid the foundations for practical and proactive national drought policies to increase resilience to the world’s most destructive natural hazard, which is being aggravated by climate change. The High-level Meeting on National Drought Policy marked the first globally-coordinated attempt to move towards science-based drought disaster risk reduction and break away from piecemeal and costly crisis-response, which often comes too late to avert death, displacement and destruction. The meeting issued a declaration encouraging governments to develop and implement national drought management policies consistent with their development objectives. It...
Civil Society
20 Mar 2013
FAO's Voices of the Hungry project to be tested on a pilot basis
13 March 2013, Rome - A new, faster and more precise way of measuring hunger and food insecurity across the world is soon to be field-tested by FAO in several pilot countries. The new approach relies on gathering information on the extent and severity of hunger from food-insecure people, through a carefully-designed annual survey to be conducted in collaboration with polling specialists Gallup, Inc. Starting this month, the new approach - known as the Voices of the Hungry project -- will be finalized in collaboration with major experts in the field and tested on a pilot basis in four countries to be...
Civil Society
20 Mar 2013
Director-General says FAO set to make even greater contribution to fight against hunger
Council met this week to review FAO's work.7 December 2012, Rome - FAO's governing Council ended its week-long meeting by endorsing a change in the Organization's first global goal from merely reducing hunger to its eradication. "This unequivocal commitment sets our sights where they should be," said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva. "We cannot accept anything less than the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition." The Council, which meets every six months to oversee programme and budgetary activities, also endorsed the strategic objectives that will guide FAO's future work. "The strategic objectives which you have endorsed set us in the right...
South-south Cooperation
26 Feb 2013
FAO partners with Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA)
26 February 2013, Rome - The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and FAO on Monday formally partnered to identify opportunities where Brazilian experience and expertise can best contribute to the battle against hunger under FAO’s South-South Cooperation initiative...
Private Sector
13 Feb 2013
Rome meeting consults on post-2015 development agenda
Rome - A global multi-stakeholder consultation to discuss the world development agenda beyond 2015 has called for  food security and nutrition to be the central element in future development efforts. New development objectives should be established for the entire global community.The one-day consultation on Hunger, Food Security and Nutrition in the Post-2015 Development Agenda stressed that food security and nutrition represent the cornerstone for progress on other development fronts such as employment, education, the environment and health and in achieving a quality future for humankind.The meeting, on Monday, brought together some 180 government, international organization, civil society and private sector...
Private Sector
30 Nov 2012
“The private sector can make an important contribution to the fight against poverty and hunger, and promote sustainable food production and consumption”, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said during a meeting with private sector associations.
Rome –The private sector can make an important contribution to the fight against poverty and hunger, and promote sustainable food production and consumption, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today, during a meeting with private sector associations and federations.The Director-General spoke at FAO Headquarters to participants whose associations represent more than five-thousand companies. His remarks opened the first in a series of planned dialogues on private sector involvement in poverty- and hunger-reduction initiatives.“The private sector has an important contribution to give to FAO. But this contribution has not always been recognized or valued. This is...