
Private Sector
24 Apr 2020
FAO & AGRA host a private sector roundtable on COVID-19
Accra – The private sector and development partners are vital in mitigating the impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on food supply chains in Africa. That was the key message at a virtual roundtable convened by FAO and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) that brought together participants from the private sector, industry associations,  farmer organizations and private industry and development partners,. hosted by the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF).“We must continue the dialogue, provide policy advice, and advocate for solutions and support to keep the food value chain alive in Africa during and post COVID-19,”...
Private Sector
23 Apr 2020
FAO and AGRA bring partners together to share knowledge in fight against the global pandemic
Accra – With over 60 percent of the African continent’s population in rural areas and dependent on smallholder or family farming, the risk from the COVID-19 pandemic to food supply chains, market access and nutrition is high. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)/ African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) brought together private sector partners, economists and business leaders to identify these risks and gaps in response efforts while proposing solutions.Abebe Haile-Gabriel, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa, welcomed over 565 participants.“The concerns...
Private Sector
23 Apr 2020
Growing safe food sustainably, saving the increasingly scarce water resource
Growing food without soil or natural light is not something many Rwandans had seen or heard about. Agriculture – growing crop in soil and relying on natural rain and sun is embedded in the culture of the people of Rwanda.Currently, about 67 percent of Rwandans – of 12 million population–are employed in agriculture, with arable land covering over 1.56 million hectares at national level.According to the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), Rwanda’s population will grow to 16.9 million by 2032. The rise is expected to increase the demand for food yet the arable land...
South-south Cooperation
23 Apr 2020
23 April 2020 - What exactly is the Bioeconomy and what is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) doing to promote its sustainable and circular implementation? Bioeconomy is generally understood as “the production, utilization and conservation of biological resources, including related knowledge, science, technology and innovation, to provide information, products, processes and services across all economic sectors aiming towards a sustainable economy”. Bioeconomy, if done sustainably, can comprehensively address interconnected societal challenges such as food security, fossil-resource dependence, natural resource scarcity and climate change, while achieving sustainable economic development, and supporting the achievement of many Sustainable Development Goals...
Private Sector
17 Apr 2020
Contribution will help to scale up detection and containment of locusts
Rome - FAO Director-General QU Dongyu has welcomed a $10 million donation from Mastercard Foundation to step up the fight against the Desert Locust outbreak in East Africa amid concern about an imminent upsurge in numbers. The Desert Locust upsurge continues to be alarming, particularly in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, where it threatens food security and livelihoods. In the six East African...
South-south Cooperation
17 Apr 2020
Since 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has joined forces with the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) to implement the ‘Mesoamerica hunger free’ South-South cooperation programme. Thanks to the Mesoamerica hunger free programme, FAO has provided technical assistance to lawmakers, the Ministries of Agriculture, Social Welfare and Education in nine countries: Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic, in preparing legal instruments and developing and implementing public policies and programmes, focused on achieving food security and nutrition and reducing rural poverty. A specialized, demand-driven component of the programme...
South-south Cooperation
09 Apr 2020
Fall Armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda), is an insect pest affecting more than 80 plant species, causing damage to economically important cultivated cereals such as maize, rice, sorghum, as well as vegetable crops and cotton. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. It is the larval stage of the insect that causes the damage. FAW reproduces at a rate of several generations per year, and the moth can fly up to 100 km per night. Over the past three years, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), has led 63 Fall Armyworm-related projects, mostly...
South-south Cooperation
07 Apr 2020
7 April 2020, Rome/Nanjing - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS) have signed a partnership agreement which foresees joint efforts to support smallholder farmers through technological innovation. 
07 Apr 2020
罗马/南京---联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)与江苏省农业科学院(江苏省农科院)签署了合作协议,双方将共同推动科技创新,支持小农发展。 合作的重点内容包括在城乡地区建设可持续、有弹性和高效的粮食系统,以及通过粮农组织的南南合作和三方合作框架与发展中国家分享知识和技术。 "江苏省农科院在通过科技创新支持江苏和中国的现代农业发展方面有着长期的经验,"江苏省农科院院长易中懿表示,"与粮农组织的合作将为我院打开一扇窗户,使我们可以借鉴粮农组织的南南合作和三方合作框架。"
Parliamentary alliances
06 Apr 2020
An interview with MEP Paolo De Castro
Brussels - Mr Paolo De Castro is a Member of the European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament’s Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development and Member of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition. The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition brings together 28 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from different nationalities, political groups and parliamentary committees. Membership is open to all Members dedicated to achieving a world without hunger.