
Parliamentary alliances
10 Dec 2019
Brussels - Members of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition gathered for the first time since the European Parliament elections at the end of May. The constituent meeting of the Alliance, which took place on 10 December, served as the official kick-off for the work of the Alliance, by setting its strategic direction for the new legislature. During the meeting, Parliamentarians were briefed by FAO Assistant Director-General Máximo Torero, FAO Brussels Director Rodrigo de Lapuerta, and EU Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) Head of Unit, Leonard Mizzi, on the importance of agricultural and rural development, as...
South-south Cooperation
10 Dec 2019
More than 113 million people across Africa experienced acute hunger requiring urgent food, nutrition and livelihoods assistance in 2018, according to the Global Report on Food Crises. A South-South Cooperation knowledge exchange workshop was organized by FAO and the Government of Kenya, convening 14 countries from Eastern and Southern Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe) to discuss best practices and challenges in promoting coherence between social protection, agriculture and resilience.
South-south Cooperation
06 Dec 2019
Santiago de Chile, 6 de diciembre de 2019 - Durante el primer día dedicado a la agricultura, la ganadería y la actividad forestal en la COP 25, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) participaron ayer del lanzamiento de la Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura (PLACA).
05 Dec 2019
Starting from Italy, 10 experiences of international learning on food and environment
The climate crisis is the most urgent emergency humanity is facing and food is one of the key universal elements to have an impact on this crisis. In this scenario, to address and mitigate the climate crisis through the regeneration of agri-food systems, FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) and Future Food Institute promote the second edition of international training bootcamps to train a new class of "Climate Shapers", key figures in the circular and sustainable food chain. Because the way we produce food, transform it, market it and consume it, has an impact on and it is impacted...
Resource Partners
04 Dec 2019
FMM Resource Partner Consultation Meeting highlights current projects, expanding partnerships and key progress
On Friday, 29 November 2019, the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) held its second Resource Partner Consultation meeting of the year at FAO Headquarters in Rome. The consultation opened with Director-General Qu Dongyu giving the opening remarks, and stressing the importance of robust flexible funding mechanisms like FMM in enabling innovation, speed and cross-sectoral cooperation in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “We are learning together, contributing together and working together,” he said.
Private Sector
25 Nov 2019
Tirana - FAO, in cooperation with the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, launched a collaboration to develop the milk value chain in Albania in partnership with the food producing and packaging company Tetra Laval and catering company AgorAl & Global Services (AGS).The project aims at improving the knowledge of small-scale dairy farmers on food safety and quality in the framework of milk value chain development. The project’s pilot stage will provide valuable assistance near the capital in the Baldushk area to more than 900 smallholder farmers in their efforts to increase production and access processors. This...
Parliamentary alliances
25 Nov 2019
Déclaration de Brazzaville et Création du Réseau des Alliances Parlementaires d’Afrique Centrale pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (RAPAC-SAN)
Brazzaville, République du Congo – « Un pays qui ne nourrit pas sa population est un pays dépendant des autres, alors agissons ensemble ! » Ce dicton est tiré de la Déclaration de Brazzaville du Forum des Parlementaires parrainé par le Président de la république du Congo S.E. M. Denis SASSOU NGUESSO. Cet évènement a réuni du 19 au 21 Novembre tous les Parlements des Etats membres de la Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique...
South-south Cooperation
25 Nov 2019
25 November, Kampala, Uganda - Through South-South Cooperation, countries across the global South are successfully exchanging technical expertise and building innovative partnerships, which if strengthened, can continue to play a crucial role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. This was the message at the opening today of a three-day event in Kampala, Uganda, marking the 10th Anniversary of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme and Triangular Cooperation.  
Private Sector
23 Nov 2019
北京 - 粮农组织总干事屈冬玉今日表示,与私营部门建立伙伴关系对于提高处于贫困或营养不足状况的全球最脆弱人群的生产和营养水平而言至关重要。 总干事是在于北京举行的第二届人类可持续发展慈善高端对话上致辞时发表上述观点的。在该峰会上,他还对宁夏燕宝慈善基金会向粮农组织捐款一亿元人民币(1500万美元)表示欢迎。该笔捐款将用于设立粮农组织--燕宝联合基金,以支持培养农业人才,特别是推动有助于实现粮食安全和营养的研究。 屈冬玉说,私营部门可以在达成伙伴关系和根据联合国可持续发展目标建立一个没有饥饿的世界方面发挥重要作用。 他说:"私营部门有意向支持可持续发展,也有意向与粮农组织合作,通过包容性扶贫干预举措,为包括青年和妇女在内的最脆弱社区以及脆弱小农户提供帮助。" 可持续发展峰会汇集了来自福特基金会、保尔森基金会、格莱敏基金会、FICO基金会、中国科学院、清华大学和全球其他机构的商界领袖和代表。 总干事邀请私营部门与粮农组织合作,共同支持创新和改良技术,包括农村数字化。在农村数字化进程中,智能手机可用于天气和干旱预测、虫害监测、获取食品价格和技术指导,还可作为电子商务的门户。 "伙伴关系和领导力均至关重要",他说。 粮农组织最近发起了"手拉手"倡议,旨在"牵线搭桥",促成捐助方和受援方"结对子",以支持内陆国家、小岛屿发展中国家、最不发达国家和受粮食危机影响国家的发展。 宁夏燕宝慈善基金会自成立以来,一直致力于寻求打造更可持续的未来所需的可行解决方案,其于2018年8月举行了首届慈善峰会。今年峰会的重点是寻找替代化石燃料的可再生能源。
South-south Cooperation
12 Nov 2019
12 November 2019, Sao Paulo, Brazil – The Brazil Africa Forum officially opened its 7th edition today in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The two-day event is a platform for 300 representatives from governments, private sector, academia, potential investors and other relevant stakeholders to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences.  This year’s key theme is Food Security: Path to Economic Growth. The aim is to bring together relevant stakeholders to devise operative plans, which are economically feasible and that respect both the environment and are socially fair. Agriculture and rural technology development are key components to achieve these objectives.  Speaking on a panel on...