
South-south Cooperation
11 Nov 2019
Brasília, 11 de noviembre del 2019 - El semiárido del nordeste brasileño y el Corredor-Seco Centroamericano se encuentran entre las regiones más secas del planeta y tienen muchas características en común. Para promover el intercambio de experiencias entre Brasil y América Central, el Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO llevará a las delegaciones de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras a la ciudad de Petrolina, Pernambuco (nordeste de Brasil), del 19 al 26 de noviembre, para una misión técnica.
Parliamentary alliances
07 Nov 2019
Rabat - One year on from the first Global Parliamentary Summit Against Hunger and Malnutrition, parliamentarians from around the world gathered in Morocco for an international seminar on Parliaments and Food Security Challenges. The event, held over three days in the capital of Rabat, was organized by the Association of Senates, Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) in partnership with FAO, and hosted by the House of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco. The seminar drew participants from a range of government institutions and parliamentary bodies across Africa, the Near East, Latin America...
06 Nov 2019
FAO stresses the need to explore new ways to make technologies and innovation affordable and accessible to all
Rome - It is fundamental to support smallholder and family farmers by enhancing their access to innovation for sustainable food systems and to foster sustainable development, FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu said today. He made the remarks during a discussion on Enhancing access to innovation in agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at FAO headquarters in Rome. "Innovation in agriculture is a way to enhance...
Resource Partners
05 Nov 2019
An innovative partnership for global challenges
The latest FAO + Switzerland partnership report shows the catalytic achievements and innovative solutions of FAO’s collaboration with one of our strongest partners.
Resource Partners
24 Oct 2019
Second annual report stresses the need for continued investments and partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and deliver a resounding impact on the ground
The second edition of FAO’s resource mobilization annual report, Resources, Partnerships, Impact – 2019, seeks to communicate, in a transparent and accountable way, who FAO is, what we do, and how we work with diverse United Nations and other partners to achieve...
Resource Partners
23 Oct 2019
South-south Cooperation
23 Oct 2019
2019 marks the Tenth Anniversary of the establishment of the FAO-China SSC Programme. FAO is organizing a 3-day event in Kampala, Uganda, from 25-27 November 2019, to commemorate this anniversary and celebrate its main achievements. Officials and experts from all over the world will gather to discuss results, innovations, impacts and lessons learned from the first 10 years of the FAO-China SSC Programme and define a new vision/approach for the future. The digitalization of agriculture and the proposal of agricultural solutions through digital platforms are two of the innovations that will be discussed at the event, during a series of interactive panel...
Private Sector
23 Oct 2019
罗马 - 粮农组织和世界批发市场联合会(WUWM)同意更新和加强伙伴关系,以期在全球范围内减少粮食损失和浪费,并确保在全球日益城市化的背景下为人们提供健康和新鲜食品。 世界批发市场联合会是一个非赢利性协会,代表来自各大洲的160多个批发市场,旨在确保批发和零售市场(尤其是新鲜农产品市场)在本地、国家和国际食品分销链、食品安全及支持小企业方面的重要作用得到认可。 新的三年期协定于2019年10月17日签署,为支持粮农组织的减少粮食损失和浪费倡议与计划,以及改善粮食市场和分配系统提供了一个框架。 "我们双方均致力于寻找创新和高效的方法,以克服我们在农业食品领域必须面对的巨大挑战,如此才有希望在未来的几十年内以可持续的方式养活人类",世界批发市场联合会副主席Stéphane Layan表示。"批发市场是健康和营养饮食的关键推动者",也是"使本地小农能够在合适的平台上全年销售产品的关键行动方"。 批发市场对于生产者和消费者至关重要。对于生产者而言,它们使生产者能够集中所有产品、增加进入市场的机会,并确保达标和食品安全。对于消费者而言,它们提供了以负担得起的价格获取多样化饮食的途径。此外,批发市场是食物链中可能发生粮食损失的最后环节,因此对于减少粮食损失而言非常关键,粮农组织经济及社会发展部助理总干事Máximo Torero Cullen说道。"因此,我们需要找到合作的办法。"
South-south Cooperation
21 Oct 2019
Durante la conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, 80 participantes en intercambio de conocimientos se pronuncian por impulsar el consumo y dar valor agregado a productos de la pequeña agricultura. Ciudad de México. Treinta organizaciones de productores forestales y agrícolas de Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Filipinas, Ghana, Guatemala, Kenia, México, Nicaragua y Togo, quienes de manera colectiva representan alrededor de 725 mil productores, se reunieron en Cuetzalan, Puebla, México, del 8 al 16 de octubre en el Intercambio La Canasta de Productos: Hacia cadenas de valor inclusivas de sistemas agroforestales y ancestrales.
Private Sector
18 Oct 2019
罗马 - 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和荷兰创业发展银行(FMO)今日启动了正式合作伙伴关系,双方将致力于增加对发展中国家农业综合部门内的中小企业和小型生产者的投资。 根据《谅解备忘录》,在未来两年内,粮农组织和荷兰创业发展银行将与农民组织成员、中小企业工作人员和农村小额信贷机构合作,以改善农业企业管理技能、可持续农业生态与加工做法,以及粮食损失减少技术。该伙伴关系的试点项目将在肯尼亚实施。 通过这一独特的伙伴关系,两大机构将致力于改善农业价值链上所有参与者的融资渠道,使农业综合部门内的小规模生产者、合作社和中小型企业能够以对环境和社会更负责任的方式发展和运营。 粮农组织计划支持及技术合作部助理总干事Roberto Ridolfi高兴地称,该伙伴关系意味着在消除农村贫困和饥饿方面前进了一步。"私营部门是保障经济发展、粮食安全以及最终促进农村地区繁荣的关键。我们期待与荷兰创业发展银行合作,通过增加投资来促进农村发展,这也符合粮农组织的AgrInvest倡议,该倡议旨在促进私营部门对可持续农业及农业企业的支持。" 荷兰创业发展银行农业企业、食品和水务部总监Pieternel Boogaard说:"荷兰创业发展银行认为与粮农组织之间的伙伴关系对于加强发展中市场的农业企业可持续供应链至关重要,我们将重点关注气候变化适应和小农影响"。