
South-south Cooperation
12 Feb 2019
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization has urged countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) to be vigilant in their inspection and monitoring of cross border trade of animal products as transboundary animal diseases (TADs) continue to pose health risks. From January 30th to  February 1st,...
South-south Cooperation
06 Feb 2019
El 22 de enero de 2019, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) suscribieron en Quito, Ecuador, un convenio para promover el intercambio de experiencias y buenas prácticas entre los países del Sur global. Ecuador junto con la FAO trabajarán conjuntamente para identificar nuevas oportunidades de cooperación con países de similares características y contribuir al desarrollo económico y social.
Resource Partners
31 Jan 2019
During intensive three days, and in an appreciative and collaborative atmosphere, FAO and the Government of Japan reviewed the progress of their partnership and discussed common priorities and new humanitarian and development projects for the year ahead.  On 31 January, at FAO headquarters in Rome, the Third Annual Strategic Consultation between FAO and Japan, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), took place. The Japanese delegation was led by Mr Hiroki Takabayashi, Director of the Economic Security Division, MOFA, and Mr Yoshihiro Kuraya, Director for International Agricultural Organizations, MAFF. FAO was...
Parliamentary alliances
25 Jan 2019
Launch of the Parliamentary Network for Food Security in Africa and the Arab World
Around 50 parliamentary representatives from Africa and Arab World countries have today, launched the Parliamentary Network for Food Security in Africa and the Arab World. This event reaffirms the political commitment of the countries to ensure that everybody has access to sufficient and quality food.The Parliamentary Network for Food Security in Africa and the Arab World is an initiative by the Association of Senate, Shoora and Equivalent Councils in Africa and Arab World (ASSECCA) and is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through its Regional Initiative on Building Resilience for Food Security and...
Parliamentary alliances
25 Jan 2019
Brazzaville - L’Alliance Parlementaire Congolaise pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (APCSAN) vient d’adopter sa Stratégie de lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, assortie d’un plan d’actions 2019-2020 et son règlement intérieur, à l’issue d’un atelier consultatif sanctionné par une Assemblée Générale de l’APCSAN organisés les 11 et 12 décembre 2019 dans la Salle des Conférences Internationales du Palais des Congrès.Ouvrant les travaux de l’Assemblée Générale, Isidore Mvouba, Président de l’Assemblée Nationale et Président Actif de l’APCSAN a salué la contribution des agences du Système...
14 Jan 2019
New agreement will foster knowledge-sharing and technology transfer to address climate change and food security
20 Dec 2018
Improving food security and nutrition is critical to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but the world is not on track to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. All actors must accelerate progress in transforming agri-food systems to meet the needs of the hungry and malnourished. To address this challenge, on 28-30 November 2018 FAO and IFPRI organized a global event in Bangkok to accelerate progress to end hunger and nutrition....
Resource Partners
19 Dec 2018
On 12 December 2018, Sweden, through the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), agreed to support FAO projects and programmes over the next four years with SEK 280 million (USD 31 million*). This contribution will bolster the FAO Medium Term Plan 2018-21 and related programme of work and budget, as well as specific programmes designed to enhance the livelihoods of rural women, youth and small-scale fishing communities, and promote the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Sweden committed SEK 148 million to the revitalized phase of FAO’s Flexible Multi-partner Mechanism** (FMM), a pooled mechanism established...
Resource Partners
13 Dec 2018
Today, at FAO headquarters in Rome, representatives of FAO met with the Directorate General of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of the Kingdom of Belgium during the bi-annual, bilateral consultations. The partners took stock of results, challenges, and opportunities, and outlined common priorities for the next two years, building on best practices and good experiences ‘on the ground’. A particular focus was put on strengthening the collaboration with private partners and on innovation. In a results-oriented and constructive meeting, FAO and Belgium covered a wide range of topics, such as: development and humanitarian results achieved in the Belgian Cooperation’s focus countries; multi-partner coordination...
South-south Cooperation
06 Dec 2018
6 December 2018, Rome. The signing ceremony of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Tripartite Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the People’s Republic of China, and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka took place at FAO headquarters on 6 December 2018. The aim of this South-South Cooperation project is to help Sri Lanka boost the production and commercialization of fruit crops among the value chain actors in the country.