
Resource Partners
27 Jun 2018
FAO calls for $23 million to scale up Fall Armyworm campaign – target is to reach more than 500 000 farmers in 2018
Fall Armyworm keeps spreading to larger areas within countries in sub-Saharan Africa and becomes more destructive as it feeds on more crops and different parts of crops, increasingly growing an appetite for sorghum, in addition to maize. The pest could spread to Northern Africa, Southern Europe and the Near East, warned the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today. The agency called for a massive scaling up of the Fall Armyworm campaign to involve more than 500 000 farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. 
Private Sector
21 Jun 2018
‘Disappearing’ food could feed 48 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa
Food that ‘disappears' from the food chain after harvest owing to spoilage could feed an estimated 48 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa. A project by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the African Union and The Rockefeller Foundation aims to help countries drastically reduce these post-harvest losses by 2030 through strengthening policies and strategies. "Our work with The Rockefeller Foundation and the...
South-south Cooperation
14 Jun 2018
Coopération ville-ville: les collectivités locales de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale engagées pour les systèmes alimentaires locaux durables et résilients
Parliamentary alliances
14 Jun 2018
Chile comparte en la FAO su experiencia de etiquetado de alimentos poco saludables
Resource Partners
11 Jun 2018
Green Climate Fund approves 10th FAO Readiness project
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization is supporting ten projects in countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and South America to lay the groundwork for climate-resilient adaptation initiatives, funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF)'s Readiness Programme.
Private Sector
01 Jun 2018
FAO and Rabobank renew partnership to help smallholders participate in agribusiness boom
Africa boasts huge potential for social and economic development, with agribusiness poised to play a major role. Without policies and partnerships that enable smallholder farmers - including subsistence farmers and pastoralists - to participate in and benefit from the growth, that opportunity will turn into risk, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today.
Resource Partners
30 May 2018
The annual consultation meeting between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and FAO took place on Wednesday, 30 May, at FAO Headquarters in Rome. FAO recognized the valuable support provided by Sida and other Swedish partners to the FAO Programme of Work, particularly to the core funding, the unearmarked contributions to the FAO Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM), the provision of expertise through seconded officers and Swedish Associate Professional Officers, and the funding of humanitarian and other global,...
Private Sector
25 May 2018
En el marco del reciente acuerdo de colaboración entre ambas instituciones, la FAO ha participado hoy en la II edición de este evento organizado por LUCA, la unidad de Datos de Telefónica y dedicado a debatir y exponer el potencial que el análisis de datos  (“Big Data”) ofrece para el bien común.   En esta ocasión el debate ha girado en torno al cambio climático y al potencial de uso de los datos para estar mejor preparados frente a las catástrofes naturales. En línea con esta temática, la FAO ha estado representada por Natalia...
South-south Cooperation
17 May 2018
Atélier de planification des systèmes alimentaires durables
Ville de plus de 2,8 millions d’âmes, Douala attire chaque année plus de 100 000 nouveaux arrivants qu’il faut nourrir convenablement, sans oublier la demande en produits alimentaires des agglomérations satellites et des pays de la sous-région. Dans ce contexte, la production, l’approvisionnement et la distribution des biens alimentaires sont des enjeux importants pour la Ville. Dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une politique de sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle durable pour mieux anticiper non seulement sur la rareté mais également sur la qualité des aliments pour tous nos concitoyens, et particulièrement pour les plus défavorisées dont le pouvoir d’achat...
Resource Partners
14 May 2018
Originaire d’Amérique, la chenille légionnaire d’automne « Spodoptera Frugiperda », est un insecte très vorace qui s’attaque à plusieurs cultures, notamment le maïs, le blé, le millet, le riz nourritures de base des populations. La propagation de ce ravageur représente une réelle menace pour la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations. Au Cameroun, la chenille légionnaire d’automne a été signalée dans toutes les...