
25 Sep 2017
Joint Efforts to Ensure Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change
On the occasion of the International Symposium on Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Université Laval (UL) have agreed to strengthen collaboration and synergies, and enter into partnership for a period of three years renewable. A Memorandum of Understanding and a three-year work program are providing a framework for cooperation with the overall goal of enhancing institutional knowledge exchanges to strengthen capacities for improving food security and nutrition through mitigation and adaptation to changing climatic conditions. The signing event of the Memorandum of Understanding was...
Resource Partners
25 Sep 2017
Partnership sharpens focus on resilience, food crises, climate change, agricultural investments, nutrition, sustainable food systems
25 September 2017, Rome/Brussels - Stepping up their long and fruitful partnership, FAO and the European Commission (EC) held the strategic dialogue meeting and agreed on joint priorities and deliverables for 2018-2020. The decision to intensify joint efforts comes at an important moment in time with both partners sharpening their focus in the areas of food security, nutrition, resilience, sustainable agriculture, ocean governance, all within the context of working together towards the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Since the European Union became an FAO Member Organization, the partnership has been increasing in importance. Both FAO and...
Resource Partners
21 Sep 2017
The four-year deal will focus on enhancing forest carbon stocks by improving the assessment, monitoring and reporting of afforestation and reforestation activities
On 21 September the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concluded an agreement that will help improve the assessment, monitoring and reporting of global and country-level efforts in afforestation and reforestation (A&R) and conservation with a view to enhancing forest carbon stocks. The project, financed by MAFF with the amount of USD2 million, will span four years. It will allow the FAO Forestry Department to identify, on a global scale, areas best suited for A&R. The project will particularly target countries with the largest areas of forest...
Private Sector
19 Sep 2017
Expanded partnership to tackle climate change and develop digital innovations for rural smallholders
FAO is entering an innovative strategic partnership with Unilever aimed at helping countries in their efforts to reduce food loss and waste and tackle climate change, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Paul Polman, Chief Executive of Unilever and SDG Advocate, signed a Letter of Intent to help ensure better access to food and the promotion of sustainable agriculture, today in...
Resource Partners
19 Sep 2017
FAO and WFP co-hosted an event to present the findings of the report Breaking the impasse: Reducing protracted internal displacement as a collective outcome.
Parliamentary alliances
18 Sep 2017
On the 19th of July 2017, the Italian Chamber of Deputies launched the FAO Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security; the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) welcomes this initiative in the presence of Italian Parliamentarians, representatives of the World Food Programme (WFP), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and civil society organizations.  “Ensuring food security is a real challenge but it is within our reach”, said Honourable Stella Bianchi promoter of the Alliance, which already gathers almost 50 Parliamentarians from different political parties. “We want to contribute to the achievement of the Zero Hunger Goal and we...
South-south Cooperation
13 Sep 2017
With FAO's support, within the South-South cooperation framework, civil servants from Kenya visited Ecuador and Peru to exchange experiences related to reinforcing agriculture and food security.
13 Sep 2017
FAO and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) has recently launched an E-learning Hub to facilitate the access of students and researchers from African universities to FAO’s vast repository of knowledge
FAO and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) has recently launched an E-learning Hub to facilitate the access of students and researchers from African universities to FAO’s vast repository of knowledge. Through this E-learning Hub students from 66 RUFORUM member universities across 26 countries in Africa can now access rich FAO’s knowledge resources in the areas of food and nutrition security, social and economic development and sustainable management of natural resources. This joint initiative aims to provide students and researchers from RUFORUM member universities with FAO’s most up to date knowledge, experience and information on current...
South-south Cooperation
12 Sep 2017
IFAD, WFP and FAO underline the importance of partnerships among the countries in the Global South to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Rome, 12 September 2017 – IFAD, WFP and FAO commemorated today the UN South-South Cooperation Day together in a joint special event that took place in IFAD Headquarters in Rome. “It is particularly important that we are commemorating together the UN South-South Cooperation Day to remember the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action in 1978 which gave start to the mainstreaming of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) as a key tool to tackling development issues,” said Daniel Gustafson, FAO Deputy Director General (Programmes). Emerging economies have stepped up in the last decade in taking the lead in...
South-south Cooperation
04 Sep 2017
With the support of FAO, Cuban technicians visit Panama to strengthen coconut production
Panama, 4 September 2017-  Starting today and for the following two weeks, Panama will host Cuban specialists in coconut production, to exchange experiences and strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) and the Institute of Agricultural Research in Panama (IDIAP), within the context of pest and disease detection and integrated coconut crop management. Cooperation between Panama and Cuba for the technological improvement of coconut production comes with technical backstopping and support from FAO. During the mission, specialists from the Higher Organization of Business Management (OSDE Agrícola) and the National Centre for Agricultural and Livestock Health (CENSA) of Cuba, and...