
Parliamentary alliances
02 Sep 2016
Former Dominican lawmaker and leader of the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote hunger eradication
Guadalupe Valdez, a prominent Dominican economist and former Congresswoman, has been named Special Ambassador for Zero Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, in recognition of her contributions to the fulfilment of the right to food throughout the region. The Zero Hunger Challenge is a global initiative launched by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and aims to eradicate hunger worldwide. "My pledge to fight to eradicate hunger and malnutrition is a non-negotiable ethical commitment, not only to my country but to all peoples of the world," Guadalupe...
01 Sep 2016
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (the Friedman School) at Tufts University have entered into a collaboration aiming to increase our understanding of what foods and nutrients people are actually consuming around the world.  Many policy and programme makers still rely, today, on data related to the availability of food at national level (i.e. food supply data) or at household level (i.e. household survey data). Providing governments and policymakers access to high-quality, timely and comprehensive food security and nutrition analyses is essential to encourage formulation of policies...
Parliamentary alliances
25 Aug 2016
The Parliamentarians, who gathered together in San José, Costa Rica, are working to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals, and especially the Goal2 which aims at ending hunger and malnutrition by 2030. The first meeting of Mesoamerica's Parliamentary Fronts and Colombia will strengthen their cooperation, exchange experiences and define the priority areas of the legislative agendas of Mesoamerica and Colombia. During the meeting, the Parliamentary Fronts against Hunger of Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica,...
Parliamentary alliances
01 Aug 2016
FAO, the Pan-African Parliament and the Parliamentary Front against Hunger together for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa Johannesburg - The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) delivered a workshop with PAP Parliamentarians in South Africa, to advance the process of establishing the Pan African Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (PAPA-FSN) as they...
Resource Partners
07 Jul 2016
Norway is the third largest donor of voluntary contributions to the organization
7 July 2016, Rome – FAO and Norway have agreed to continue an already fruitful cooperation in the strategic areas of fisheries, the right to food, climate-smart agriculture, deforestation, gender equity and food loss and waste. An agreement signed today by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Norway’s Ambassador to FAO, Inge Nordang, paves the way for the continuation of a longstanding successful collaboration. It also covers funding and joint work on emergencies and response to natural disasters. Norway is among FAO’s top 20 resource partners and has been the third largest donor country of voluntary contributions to the organization in...
Resource Partners
27 Jun 2016
An opportunity for young professionals
The Republic of Singapore joined the FAO Associate Professionals Programme (APO) in January, becoming the fourth Asian country to enlist in the scheme. Other participants have included the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Singapore joined FAO as a member country in 2013. Candidates will be selected after completing written tests and interviews, as carried out by FAO. Qualification requirements include superior academic qualifications, fluency in one UN official language and knowledge of a second one, and a keen interest in a career in international development. Applicants must also be under 35 years of...
South-south Cooperation
22 Jun 2016
2016年7月6日,中国北京 – 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和中华人民共和国政府宣布达成若干旨在加强双方在南南合作领域伙伴关系的计划,粮农组织今天说。 经过几十年的成功协作,中国与粮农组织一致同意扩大合作范围,在现有成果的基础上,进一步推动全球农村发展。 周六达成的一项新的农业和粮食安全战略合作谅解备忘录将为此铺平道路。该谅解备忘录将通过中国的“一带一路”倡议,促进中国对其他国家,以及远在非洲和拉丁美洲地区更多国家的援助。 “中国与粮农组织之间的全面合作伙伴关系开启了密切协作,共同应对各类挑战的大门,其中包括防治跨界疾病,发展农业价值链,推动旨在应对气候变化的创新科技,以及进一步开发信息和通信技术,”粮农组织总干事若泽·格拉济阿诺·达席尔瓦说。 总干事是在今天与中国农业部长韩长赋会晤后发表上述讲话的。 韩部长指出,二十国集团(G20)国家刚刚在上周强调了推动信息和通信技术在农业中应用的重要性,他期待着总干事在该领域发挥领导作用。 粮农组织与中国签署的这项新协议旨在继续扩大双方超过40年的伙伴关系,而这种合作近年来在南南合作框架下,成功实施了一系列有关粮食安全和营养的举措。无论是在财政上,还是在共享本国丰富的经验、知识和技术方面,中国一直是南南合作计划的最大贡献者。就其本身而言,粮农组织已为400多个农业项目提供技术支持,使中国各地的数千万人受益。 中国拥有大量经验可供世界借鉴 西安是历史上丝绸之路的起点,推动了东亚和欧洲之间丝绸、马匹、黄金和思想的流通,同时中国的“一带一路”倡议是连接亚洲和欧洲并延伸至大洋洲和东非地区的大型基础设施投资计划。在西安签署这项新谅解备忘录将促进粮农组织的战略计划和区域倡议与中国的“一带一路”倡议之间的互补性。 “在农业和粮食安全方面,中国拥有大量经验可供世界所有发展中国家借鉴,”格拉济阿诺说,并介绍了中国浙江省一种古老的耕作系统,即稻田养鱼。稻米为鱼类提供保护和有机食物。反过来,鱼类可以松土,增加作物养分和含氧量,以及摄食危害水稻作物的昆虫和杂草。这种稻鱼共生系统已经存在了一千年,而且已被粮农组织指定为全球重要农业文化遗产系统(GIAHS)。“中国在GIAHS方面举世瞩目的经验将给予众多国家以激励,”格拉济阿诺最后说。 自1990年以来,中国已成功地帮助1.38亿人摆脱长期饥饿,达到了世界粮食首脑会议设定的目标,而且提前实现了到2015年将饥饿人数比例减半的千年发展目标。 双方达成的一项共识是,该谅解备忘录将不仅使双方受益,而且还有助于促进许多发展中国家落实《2030年可持续发展议程,并成为实现零饥饿的一代人这一全球目标。
Resource Partners
21 Jun 2016
Last Wednesday 15 June 2016, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, represented by the Ministry of Development Cooperation, and FAO signed a new Framework Arrangement that intends to reinforce FAO-Belgium collaboration across both humanitarian and development assistance, at the same time aligning Belgium’s strategies for sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition-related sectors with FAO’s Strategic Programmes.  The historic partnership between Belgium and FAO has provided a longstanding and substantial support to the Organization through assessed and voluntary contributions. Belgium is a key strategic partner, generously funding innovative and critical areas in support of food security and nutrition, inclusive economic growth,...
21 Jun 2016
Brazil and United States support FAO in improving capacity development for agricultural innovation meeting demands of the 21st century
Rome, 21 June 2016 – Capacity development for agricultural innovation needs to include a nutritional dimension, experts agreed at a symposium in Rome, discussing ways to make capacity development for innovation in agriculture better equipped to face the challenges of the 21st century. Amid growing consensus that to feed a growing world population and meet major challenges such as climate change, agriculture must increase its production and productivity while at the same time save the...
Civil Society
21 Jun 2016
This People’s Manual is a pedagogical and didactic guide to ease people’s understanding of the Voluntary Guidelines and to provide a practical approach on how to use them
21 June 2016, Rome. A network of Civil Society Organizations around the world, with the technical support of FAO, has just issued the The People’s Manual on the Guidelines on Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests in an effort to further the implementation at grassroot levels of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT). People’s Manual This manual is a pedagogical and didactic guide to ease people’s understanding of the Guidelines and to provide a practical approach on how to use them. The People’s Manual is based on the precepts...