
Private Sector
16 Sep 2016
The first ever visit of FAO Director-General to IFPRI’s headquarters in Washington last week celebrated four decades of rich partnership that has generated cutting-edge technical knowledge and enhanced expertise for supporting food security and improved nutrition. In warmly welcoming FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva, IFPRI’s Director General Shenggen Fan noted that the IFPRI-FAO partnership is built on a shared commitment to make agriculture and food systems more inclusive, productive, resilient, and sustainable. Together, FAO and IFPRI have helped enhance the capacity of policy makers to make evidence-based policy decisions, create information resources and networks for food security, strengthen the focus...
South-south Cooperation
12 Sep 2016
Did you know that some of the most innovative and sustainable development practices today come from the Global South?
12 September 2016, Rome – Today marks the UN’s South-South Cooperation (SSC) day. Here we seize the opportunity to review some key issues which help understand why South-South Cooperation is an effective and efficient mean to achieving a world without hunger. So, did you really know… 1.Why 12 September is the South-South Cooperation Day? The General Assembly of the United Nations decided back in 2003 to observe this day every year to highlight the importance of South-South Cooperation “as an important element of international cooperation for development, which offers viable opportunities for developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their...
Resource Partners
07 Sep 2016
Updated approach will help countries track progress towards development goals, shape better policies
7 September 2016, Rome - The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and FAO have signed a $15 million agreement aimed at boosting the capacity of developing countries to track key agricultural data -information that is essential to good policymaking and that will help track progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Parliamentary alliances
02 Sep 2016
Former Dominican lawmaker and leader of the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote hunger eradication
Guadalupe Valdez, a prominent Dominican economist and former Congresswoman, has been named Special Ambassador for Zero Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, in recognition of her contributions to the fulfilment of the right to food throughout the region. The Zero Hunger Challenge is a global initiative launched by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and aims to eradicate hunger worldwide. "My pledge to fight to eradicate hunger and malnutrition is a non-negotiable ethical commitment, not only to my country but to all peoples of the world," Guadalupe...
01 Sep 2016
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy (the Friedman School) at Tufts University have entered into a collaboration aiming to increase our understanding of what foods and nutrients people are actually consuming around the world.  Many policy and programme makers still rely, today, on data related to the availability of food at national level (i.e. food supply data) or at household level (i.e. household survey data). Providing governments and policymakers access to high-quality, timely and comprehensive food security and nutrition analyses is essential to encourage formulation of policies...