
14 Jun 2019
FAO and University of the Philippines Los Baños pledge to work together to promote inclusive rural development
Rome – FAO and the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) have signed a formal partnership agreement with the aim of promoting rural development in the Philippines, focusing on developing tools, methodologies and knowledge products to make agricultural systems more inclusive and efficient. The partnership envisions, among other activities, strengthening national policies, strategies and regulatory frameworks on food loss and waste throughout the value chain; facilitating an enabling environment for inclusive rural development and poverty reduction; and identifying and undertaking actions to protect and manage natural resources and ensure sustainable production. FAO and UPLB also plan to develop and disseminate...
14 Jun 2019
Partnership will work towards improving policies to fight hunger and poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
Rome – During the Future of Food Symposium, FAO and the University of Nottingham signed a partnership agreement, formalizing their intentions to work together across several areas related to FAO’s mandate. The partnership will tackle policy issues related to the urban food agenda and physical access to healthy food, and will look for opportunities to strengthen governance and institutional empowerment in order to promote healthy eating for urban populations.  The collaboration envisions dialogues both with the private sector, to create solutions for building balanced food systems and supplying healthy and sustainable foods, and between farmers and consumers, to establish short circuits for...
13 Jun 2019
FAO and UCLA join forces to address issues of consumer protection and food fraud
Rome - On the first day of the Future of Food Symposium, following a discussion on the role of academia as a key partner in achieving Zero Hunger, FAO and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) signed a partnership agreement to work on issues at the intersection of food security, law and policy.  Founded in 1919, UCLA is the fourth-oldest university of the 10-campus University of California system. The university hosts the Resnick Center for Food Law and Policy, which stimulates discussion on important decisions about food issues through scholarship and policy analysis. The Resnick Center serves communities at...
13 Jun 2019
Partnership will strengthen institutional capacity to improve agricultural education, with a focus on innovation
Rome – FAO and the Future Food Institute (FFI) have joined forces to foster technological advances and encourage multi-stakeholder collaboration within the food production, food research and food policy sectors, signing a formal partnership agreement on the first day of the Future of Food Symposium.  FFI, an Italian non-profit, works to create a more sustainable future of food through education, innovation and community building. The institute aims to boost entrepreneurial potential and improve agri-food expertise and tradition, and educates stakeholders along food value chains about food innovation, nutrition sensitive food systems, and the SDGs. The partnership will enhance FFI’s education, innovation...
10 May 2019
Rome Building on years of successful partnership, FAO and Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) have agreed to continue in partnership for another five years, focusing on improving food security, livelihoods, and resilience in an effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. With 11 universities and seven state agencies, Texas A&M is one of the largest systems of higher education in the United States. It is renowned for its expertise and research in several areas that complement FAO’s mandate, including agriculture, natural resources and plant and animal health. In 2014, FAO and Texas A&M established a formal partnership to work together on...