
Parliamentary alliances
08 Nov 2021
Libreville - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) are launching a capacity-building program on responsible investment in agriculture and food systems for members of the Parliament of the Gabonese Republic. This initiative, conducted under the aegis of the Gabonese Parliamentary Alliance for Food and Nutritional Security (APGSAN), aims to support members of the Alliance in their ambition to improve public policies for fighting hunger and malnutrition in the country. The capacity building of the parliamentary alliance is part of...
South-south Cooperation
29 Oct 2021
29-10-2021 Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Grow Asia, a multi-stakeholder partnership platform that brings together farmers, the private sector, governments, NGOs and key stakeholders to foster inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems in Southeast Asia, have joined forces to improve the productivity, profitability and environmental sustainability of smallholder agriculture.
South-south Cooperation
27 Oct 2021
FAO and Turkey signed a South-South and Triangular Cooperation agreement on deploying Turkish experts to projects sites in Central Asia as part of the FAO–Turkey Partnership Programme for food, agriculture, and forestry.
South-south Cooperation
25 Oct 2021
BRASÍLIA, 25 de octubre de 2021. El evento internacional 'Red de Alimentación Escolar Sostenible (RAES): Avances y Compromisos en América Latina y el Caribe' será un hito para reforzar el compromiso de las naciones de la región con la sostenibilidad de los programas de alimentación escolar, una política pública responsable de garantizar el derecho humano a la alimentación de al menos 85 millones de estudiantes latinoamericanos y caribeños. El evento virtual se realizará el 10 de noviembre, a las 11:00 (Hora de Chile), con traducción simultánea al inglés y español, y transmisión en vivo en las redes sociales YouTube UNFAO...
South-south Cooperation
19 Oct 2021
19/10/2021 - The 2021 International Seminar on Global Poverty Reduction Partnerships was held in Beijing on Oct. 19 and featured the “Post-COVID-19 Global Rural Development and Poverty Reduction: Innovations for Agri-Food Systems Transformation” theme.