
South-south Cooperation
25 Jul 2018
A high-level delegation from the Afghanistan Food Security and Nutrition Agenda (AFSeN-A) visited Bangladesh to learn about multi-sectoral and inter-ministerial coordination and governance in Food Security and Nutrition
  A 13-member delegation of high-level government officials and members of the Afghanistan Food Security and Nutrition Agenda (AFSeN-A), led by H.E. Nasrullah Arsalai, Director General of the Afghan Council of Ministers’ Secretariat, spent five days in Bangladesh learning how multi-sectoral and inter-ministerial coordination and governance can help improve food security and nutrition. The South-South cooperation study visit was carried out under the joint FAO – European Union initiative on “Food and Nutrition Security, Impact, Resilience, Sustainability and Transformation (FIRST)” Programme. The scope of the mission...
19 Jul 2018
Contribuer à la gestion durable de la faune et au développement d’une agriculture plus durable et plus productive permettant de lutter contre la faim, la malnutrition et la pauvreté, sont au cœur des initiatives menées par la FAO en Afrique centrale et au Gabon en particulier. Dans le cadre du projet gestion durable de la faune couvrant 12 pays africains, dont le Gabon, le Congo et la République démocratique du Congo,  et financé par l’Union Européenne à hauteur de EUR 45 millions, Hélder Muteia, Coordonnateur du Bureau Sous-régional, FAOSFC, a eu une séance de travail avec Denis...
Parliamentary alliances
13 Jul 2018
Legislators from the region seek to enforce compliance of the laws and budgets that favor food and nutrition security.
11 Jul 2018
New agreement aims to harness the power of fisheries and aquaculture research
10 Jul 2018
Partnership to promote sustainable agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
South-south Cooperation
09 Jul 2018
03 July 2018, Beijing, China. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has established a multilateral collaboration with the Government of the People’s Republic of China and five other countries in Southeast Asia to control the spread of trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs).  The FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Regional Project on Transboundary Animal Disease Control in the Greater Mekong Subregion was launched during a meeting in the Chinese capital Beijing on 3rd July 2018. The project, valued over USD 3 million, is funded by the...
South-south Cooperation
06 Jul 2018
06/07/2018, Rome, Italy -- FAO and Guangfa Securities (GFS), a leading Chinese securities company, signed an agreement to work together to reach the goal of ending poverty by 2030. GFS committed to contributing USD 1 million to cooperate with FAO to revitalize China’s rural areas in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under this proposed agreement, the first of its kind between...
Resource Partners
27 Jun 2018
FAO calls for $23 million to scale up Fall Armyworm campaign – target is to reach more than 500 000 farmers in 2018
Fall Armyworm keeps spreading to larger areas within countries in sub-Saharan Africa and becomes more destructive as it feeds on more crops and different parts of crops, increasingly growing an appetite for sorghum, in addition to maize. The pest could spread to Northern Africa, Southern Europe and the Near East, warned the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today. The agency called for a massive scaling up of the Fall Armyworm campaign to involve more than 500 000 farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. 
Private Sector
21 Jun 2018
‘Disappearing’ food could feed 48 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa
Food that ‘disappears' from the food chain after harvest owing to spoilage could feed an estimated 48 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa. A project by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the African Union and The Rockefeller Foundation aims to help countries drastically reduce these post-harvest losses by 2030 through strengthening policies and strategies. "Our work with The Rockefeller Foundation and the...