
Resource Partners
03 Oct 2018
EU contributed more than €1.5 billion to FAO programmes around the world in last 10 years
01 Oct 2018
New agreement foresees exchange of expertise, e-learning products and new learning opportunities for students
The Rome-based LUISS University and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) agreed to exchange knowledge and expertise for the training of future practitioners in food security. A collaboration agreement was signed on 28 September by the Director of FAO’s Partnerships and South-South Cooperation Division, Marcela Villarreal and Prof. Antonio Nuzzo, Dean of the LUISS School of Law. According to the agreement, LUISS will integrate FAO’s e-learning materials on food and nutrition security, food safety and right to food in the curriculum of its Master of Law (LL.M.) in...
Resource Partners
25 Sep 2018
Report walks the reader through FAO’s innovative funding mechanisms in place to mobilize sufficient resources to achieve Zero Hunger
The 2017 Results, Partnerships - Impact 2018 Annual Report provides a snapshot of selected key successes achieved by FAO worldwide in 2017, demonstrating key partnerships and sustainable results on the ground obtained thanks to collaborations with FAO Members and other resource partners. The success stories and other information contained in the report demonstrate that only by working together with partners, creatively and effectively, can FAO reach its  goals, in particular the goal of Zero Hunger. Clearly more work remains to be done to mobilize sufficient resources to meet funding gaps related to fighting hunger. Now is a transformative moment for FAO...
South-south Cooperation
25 Sep 2018
The capacity development course shared Israeli experience in developing the livestock sector in arid lands aiming to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable agro-pastoral communities in Africa’s dry lands
To support countries vulnerable to drought and the effects of climate change, FAO and Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) organized a capacity development course on sustainable livestock feed development and breeding techniques in resource-constrained situations. Heldwithin the frameworkof the African Regional Initiative Building Resilience in Africa’s Drylands, the course brought fifteen participants from nine francophone countries in Africa to Israel from 24 June to 13 July...
24 Sep 2018
The International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), together with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA), the Centre for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and with the technical collaboration of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Agreenium (the French consortium for research and education in agriculture, food, animal health, and the environment) organized the 2nd Mediterranean Forum for PhD Students and Young Researchers in Bari, Italy.