
South-south Cooperation
26 May 2023
25-26 May 2023 Rome/Amsterdam/Beijing—The third annual Joint Project Steering Committee (JPSC) meeting: “Up-scaling the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme through triangular cooperation with the government of the Netherlands (Part I)” was held in Rome, Italy from 25 to 26 May 2023, in hybrid format.
South-south Cooperation
25 May 2023
25 May 2023, Rome - A new advocacy strategy to scale up dryland women’s participation in climate change policy discussions was officially validated by WeCaN members at the initiative’s first Global Gathering today.
25 May 2023
Interview with Dr. Patrick Stover Director of the Texas A&M Institute Advancing Health Through Agriculture (IHA) of the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS)
Patrick Stover, Ph.D. is the focal point for the TAMUS partnership with FAO. Joined by a IHA/TAMUS delegation, Dr. Stover recently undertook a mission to the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva, the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture in Vienna and FAO headquarters in Rome. The mission allowed TAMUS and FAO to reflect on the many successes of the partnership since 2014 and exchange information on new programmes and initiatives to strengthen their common vision for sustainable agri-food systems that improve human, environmental, and economic health. FAO speaks with Dr. Stover:
South-south Cooperation
23 May 2023
23 May 2023 – A virtual international training curriculum consultation workshop, focusing on the rice value chain, was successfully organized by FAO under the framework of the "Capacity Development and Experience sharing for Rice Value Chains through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC)" project, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Republic of Korea (MAFRA). Since 2020, the project has been facilitating diverse SSTC exchanges among the three participating countries, Tanzania, Côte d'Ivoire, and The Philippines, in order to support the countries’ sustainable and effective rice value chains,  and has also convened  policymakers and experts from the respective, relevant...
23 May 2023
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Department of International Development in the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development at the University of Reading, UK, will continue to collaborate in the field of Communication for Development and Rural Communication Services. Starting during the International Year of Family Farming in 2014 and further growing within the context of the
Resource Partners
17 May 2023
FAO welcomes the new Pandemic Fund and role as Implementing Entity to support countries to better prevent, prepare and respond
The World Bank kick-started the application process to the Pandemic Fund, calling for proposals for an initial envelope of USD300million with a deadline on the 19th of May. The Fund is the direct result of G20 Finance and Health Ministers efforts, pushed forward under the strong leadership of the Italian, Indonesian and now Indian Presidency. Pledges have reached USD 1.7 billion, aimed at providing critical investments to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPR) capacities in low- and middle-income countries. Applications are based on country and regional needs, drawn from key national health assessments and place governments in the driving seat....
South-south Cooperation
12 May 2023
12/05/2023 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) initiated a 1.5 million USD project via funding from China as part of the South-South Cooperation (SSC) programme, to improve the quality and value of Sri Lankan fruits in the global market by improving the production and commercialization of fruit value-chains in Sri Lanka.
South-south Cooperation
10 May 2023
10/05/2023 Rome/Cairo – South-South and Triangular Cooperation is becoming increasingly pivotal through its innovative solutions for tackling issues of food insecurity and poverty.  These matters and other items were discussed at today’s virtual Capacity Development workshop on Resource Mobilization for South-South and Triangular Cooperation: “Leveraging South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Reducing Poverty and Hunger, and promoting Rural Development”. The South-South and Triangular Cooperation division (PST)...
South-south Cooperation
09 May 2023
Agriculture plays a critical role in Uganda, where the majority of the population depends on it for their livelihoods. However, unsustainable soil management practices, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and fertilizer crisis, have led to soil degradation and declining crop production.
South-south Cooperation
20 Apr 2023
Rome, 20 April 2023. Members of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat, multiple FAO divisions and contracting party representatives met to mark the progress made, to date, on the IPPC Global Project on Capacity Development implemented by the IPPC under the framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme.