
Resource Partners
25 Jul 2017
Events in Ankara today and tomorrow kick off the second phase of a successful partnership between Turkey and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). High-level participation from numerous countries reflects the partnership’s international significance.
South-south Cooperation
20 Jul 2017
Use of biological controls such as the insects’ natural enemies, is strongly urged
Resource Partners
11 Jul 2017
El proyecto, de varios años de duración, contribuirá a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
El Gobierno de Mozambique, el Banco Mundial y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura y la (FAO) han presentado un nuevo proyecto que fortalecerá la gestión forestal sostenible y contribuirá a que Mozambique alcance el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 15 sobre los bosques. La iniciativa -de 6 millones de dólares EEUU- forma parte del Proyecto de Inversión Forestal de Mozambique financiado por el Banco Mundial con 47 millones de dólares EEUU. El proyecto tiene como objetivo frenar el rápido ritmo de deforestación y apoyar las inversiones en el sector forestal, mientras se crean nuevas oportunidades...
Parliamentary alliances
10 Jul 2017
It is the first French-speaking country in the world to have this legislative structure, fundamental to strengthening the right to food.
The creation of Haiti's Parliamentary Front against Hunger is a fundamental step towards implementing measures to ensure the right to adequate food, FAO said today. On Tuesday, July 4th, Haiti’s House of Representatives approved the resolution that officially creates the country’s Parliamentary Front  against hunger, a key legislative space to promote food security laws."The role of the legislature is indispensable because of its ability to formulate laws and allocate public resources for the implementation of agricultural and food security policies, backing strategies and programs throughout the country," said Natanael Hishamunda, FAO’s Representative in Haiti. With this great step forward, Haiti...
South-south Cooperation
10 Jul 2017
El Director General de la FAO alaba la contribución de China a la ampliación del programa
South-south Cooperation
07 Jul 2017
Graziano da Silva y el Viceministro de agricultura repasan el apoyo del país a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en el Caribe y África
Parliamentary alliances
07 Jul 2017
Enabling legislative environment is fundamental to achieve food and nutrition security
6 July 2017, Rome - Parliamentarians have a key role to play along with governments, civil society, private sector, international agencies and donors "to achieve a Zero Hunger generation in our lifetime", said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today at a meeting with lawmakers on the sidelines of the FAO Conference. "You are the ones who are responsible for enacting laws and for approving budgets, among other roles," he said asking them to increase funding in their national budgets for food security and nutrition. He also noted...
South-south Cooperation
06 Jul 2017
Costa Rica ofrecerá formación para personal e instituciones de otros países y enviará expertos técnicos
Resource Partners
04 Jul 2017
Bilateral Trust Fund, having provided seed money for more than 100 projects, adds migration and soils to its focus
FAO and Germany celebrated 15 years of successful collaboration today, hailing the more than $129 million (EUR115 million) in special funds channeled to food security, right-to-food initiatives and nutrition programmes around the world through the government's Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and FAO's Bilateral Trust Fund (BTF).
South-south Cooperation
30 Jun 2017
Live webcast from the 40th Session of the FAO Conference — (Sheikh Zayed Centre) 6th July, from 18:30 CET
30 June 2017, Rome. The 40th session of the FAO Conference will host a side event on “China-FAO South-South Cooperation: promoting inclusive and sustainable development” that can be followed live via webcast here: Interpretation will be available in English, Chinese, French and Spanish. The event will take place in the Sheikh Zayed Centre at FAO Headquarters in Rome (Italy) on the 6th of July and begins at 18:30 CET.  FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme China, as an active participant and supporter of FAO SSC Programme, has witnessed the burgeoning development of SSC with FAO and other partners.  This side event aims to share achievements...