
South-south Cooperation
19 May 2017
FAO facilitates a training workshop this week in Vientiane on operational and legal aspects of Contract Farming schemes
16 May 2017, Vientiane (Lao PDR) – Contract farming can be an attractive option to farmers who want to assure market access and support production. The agroindustry and buyers can guarantee supply through contracts under specific conditions that suit them. CF often also leads to economies of scale, which can be of potential benefit for national economies. For this reason, 25 provincial and district agricultural officers and farmers, from four target provinces of Lao PDR, received training this week on CF practices from Dr Carlos A. da Silva,...
Resource Partners
18 May 2017
Un nuevo acuerdo busca facilitar que los países avancen en la mejora de los medios de vida rurales y la salvaguarda de los recursos naturales
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Banco Mundial han acordado reforzar su cooperación para poner fin al hambre y a la pobreza a nivel mundial y nacional. Ambas organizaciones colaborarán estrechamente para apoyar a sus países miembros a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), mejorar los medios de subsistencia rurales y la eficiencia de la producción y distribución de alimentos y garantizar la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales en el mundo.
Parliamentary alliances
10 May 2017
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, on the occasion of his visit to Japan, attended the launch of the Parliamentarian Friendship League. The League is chaired by Yoshimizu Hayashi, former Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries from 2012 to 2015; he gathered together with over 40 parliamentarians to exchange views with the FAO Director-General. “FAO looks forward to working with the League to promote nutritious food including in neighbouring countries and regions" FAO Director General said, remarking the role of parliamentarians in the fight against malnutrition. Indeed, given their representative, legislative, budgetary and oversight responsibilities, FAO recognizes that Parliamentarians are best placed...
10 May 2017
 La seguridad alimentaria se puede conseguir a través de la colaboración con todas las partes interesadas en el sector de la alimentación y de la agricultura por medio de la transferencia del conocimiento y experiencia y las ventajas comparativas.  Reconociendo el éxito de la colaboración de los ultimos cuatro años, en marzo del 2017, la FAO y la Universidad de Wageningen, han renovado su empeño recíproco firmando el renuevo de la asociación por otros cuatro años.
South-south Cooperation
08 May 2017
8 May 2017, Korea - Experts from FAO and South Korea gathered to share knowledge and experiences between international specialists and stakeholders in the rice value chain, on issues related to the sustainable management of post-harvest aspects. During a working session at the FAO Representation in Côte d'Ivoire, administrative and technical structures’ representatives, as well as the stakeholders of the sector, exchanged views on the development model of the rice sector in Korea, in trying to provide answers to the development expectations of the Ivorian model. This workshop is part of a South-South Cooperation (SSC) Project (GCP/RAF/497/ROK) developed between the Republic of...
South-south Cooperation
04 May 2017
International Conference gathers delegations from 30 countries and institutions to share experiences ahead of the upcoming United Nations Oceans Conference
Mindelo. – The Conference Dialogue on Blue Growth and Economy began today in Mindelo, on the island of Sao Vicente, Cabo Verde, with over 150 participants from 30 delegations primarily from African coastal nations, Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and international organizations, including ministerial delegations from six of the participating countries.  The Minister of Economy and Employment of Cabo Verde, Mr. José da Silva Gonçalves, highlighted during the opening ceremony that the...
South-south Cooperation
28 Apr 2017
Formulation mission within the framework of the Tripartite Agreement between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, the Kingdom of Morocco and FAO for the promotion of South-South Cooperation in Africa
28 April 2017, Bissau: From 24 to 28 April 2017, the Government of Guinea-Bissau hosted a delegation of Moroccan experts as part of a mission to formulate a South-South Cooperation (SSC) project as prescribed by the SSC Tripartite Agreement between the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), signed on 28 May 2015 during the official visit of His Majesty the King of Morocco. This collaboration is part of the General Agreement on SSC between the Kingdom of Morocco and FAO for the period 2014-2020, which...
13 Apr 2017
Moscow, Russian Federation – Optimizing farming under existing soil and climatic conditions in Russia’s main agricultural regions was the focus of a roundtable discussion here today at the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU-MTAA). New technologies took centre stage. “Smart technologies in agroecology and farming” – co-organized by FAO and supported by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture – was broadcast to leading agrarian universities across Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States. Today’s experts’ meeting was the first in a series of events organized jointly...
Civil Society
12 Apr 2017
Rome - FAO and Consumers International, a global federation of consumer rights groups, have agreed to intensify their collaboration to help end hunger. The agreement recognizes that consumers around the world can be a powerful force for change towards more sustainable and equitable food systems.Key areas of mutual interest for FAO and CI include the right to food, consumer protection, nutrition and food safety.The partnership aims to enhance Consumer International's access to FAO's wealth of knowledge and information while FAO can work more closely with the network of CI's member organizations who communicate with and advocate...
30 Mar 2017
Focus is on food security and helping poor farmers by enhancing crop resilience and adapting to climate change
FAO and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) have agreed to cooperate more closely to support sustainable rice production in developing countries to improve food security and livelihoods while safeguarding natural resources. An agreement signed today seeks to better pool the scientific knowledge and technical know-how of the two organizations so that they can expand and intensify their work globally. The partnership primarily aims to enhance sustainable rice-based farming systems through capacity building activities - including assisting governments draw up and implement national and regional policies and strategies - to the benefit of small-scale farmers, especially women. "The world faces very significant...