
South-south Cooperation
12 Sep 2024
The UN Day for South-South Cooperation, celebrated annually on September 12, highlights the importance of partnerships developed among countries in the Global South. The Rome-based Agencies (RBAs) of the United Nations—the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the World Food Programme (WFP)—have met this week in Brazil, under the aegis of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), to reflect on this agenda.  Trilateral South-South Cooperation (TSSC), promoted by the RBAs together with developing countries, is based on the sharing of knowledge, experiences, technologies, and resources. Respecting the principles of national sovereignty, equality, and non-conditionality, the...
South-south Cooperation
11 Sep 2024
Experts took part in a series of technical meetings, shared expertise, visited laboratories and greenhouses and contributed to a review of plant health emergency preparedness and management.
11 September 2024, Baku – From 3 to 5 September, a delegation from Türkiye visited Azerbaijan to provide support in the field of plant health in the context of the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme (FTPP). The delegation consisted of representatives of the FAO Subregional Office for Central Asia and experts from the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Food and Control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.  During the mission a two-day workshop was held with the participation of experts from the Azerbaijan Food Security Agency (AFSA) and the Agrarian Services Agency (ASA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry...
Civil Society
10 Sep 2024
The FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division presents a brief showcasing FAO’s partnership with the International Federation of Beekeeper's Associations Apimondia. 
South-south Cooperation
10 Sep 2024
The UN Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs) together with the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) have agreed to mark the occasion of the 2024 UN Day for South-South Cooperation together, under the theme “Global partners, local actions: Strengthening nutrition and food security through Trilateral South-South Cooperation”. This joint celebration will affirm the partnership between the RBAs and the ABC, as they work together to finalise the details of the joint programme to support school feeding and family farming initiatives.
Parliamentary alliances
01 Aug 2024
AIPA, FAO and IISD co-organized the second joint event aimed at enhancing the effective implementation of the ASEAN RAI Guidelines
Bali, Indonesia. The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), co-organized the second Joint Event aimed at enhancing the effective implementation of the ASEAN Guidelines on Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (ASEAN RAI). This event, supported by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, with financial support from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Swedish International Cooperation Agency (SIDA), brings together AIPA Member Parliaments and representatives from the private sector, civil society, and academia to foster collaboration on promoting responsible investment in these critical...
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