
South-south Cooperation
11 Jul 2024
Rome / Beijing, 11 July 2024 – The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of the People’s Republic of China reaffirmed their commitment to agrifood system transformations and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the 12th Annual Consultation Meeting (ACM) of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme. The meeting was convened virtually and was co-chaired by FAO and MARA. In his opening remarks, Mr. Anping Ye, Director of the FAO South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division, noted substantial advancements in the Programme's implementation during 2023-24 and expressed his gratitude to the...
Parliamentary alliances
11 Jul 2024
Desarrollada con respaldo de FAO y las cooperaciones de España y México, la ley busca transformar los sistemas agroalimentarios y avanzar hacia una agricultura más sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe.
Ciudad de Panamá, 4 de julio de 2024 - La Comisión de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca del Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño (PARLATINO) ha dado un paso crucial al aprobar la Ley Modelo de Promoción de la Agroecología, un marco legislativo innovador que fomenta prácticas agrícolas sostenibles y resilientes en América Latina y el Caribe. Esta legislación, desarrollada en estrecha colaboración con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y con acompañamiento de la Cooperación Española y la Cooperación Mexicana, representa un avance significativo hacia la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo sostenible en la región.  El...
Parliamentary alliances
10 Jul 2024
Midrand, South Africa. The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) has adopted a Model Law on Cooperatives for Africa during the Third Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament of the Pan-African Parliament in Midrand, South Africa.  The PAP’s Committee on Monetary and Financial Affairs presented the draft Model Law after extensive engagements and active support of stakeholders, particularly from FAO and the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA).   The Model Law will serve as a guide and an advocacy tool for the development and review of legislation on cooperatives. For countries without cooperative legislation, the Model Law can inspire the adoption of new laws, and for those...
Parliamentary alliances
10 Jul 2024
Bujumbura, Burundi. 26 June 2024. An FAO delegation visited Burundi to raise awareness on the role and opportunities for parliamentarians to tackle food security, malnutrition and poverty issues by transforming agrifood systems. The delegation was led by Athman Mravili, Coordinator of FAO’s Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa; Jean Leonard Touadi, Special Coordinator for Parliamentary Networks at FAO Headquarters; and Aissa Mamadoultaibou, Nutrition Officer in the Sub-Regional Office for Central Africa. The delegation was received by the Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera, Speaker of the Senate, and the Right Honourable Gélase Ndabirabe, Speaker of National Assembly. Mr Mravili and Mr Touadi encouraged the Speakers...
Civil Society
09 Jul 2024
Rome, Italy – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Action Aid International (AAI) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to reinforce their collaboration in supporting family farming, advancing agroecology, and strengthening small-scale food producers’ organizations worldwide. The MoU was signed virtually on July 7, 2024, by FAO Deputy-Director General Elizabeth A. Bechdol and Action Aid Director ad interim of Global Political and Program Strategy David Archer.
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