
Resource Partners
10 Oct 2017
European Commission-funded, FAO-led partnership will help African, Caribbean and Pacific countries shift from wildmeat to alternative sources of animal protein
Resource Partners
06 Oct 2017
World Bank grant will immediately assist 630,000 people and strengthen the resilience of rural communities
04 Oct 2017
Apoyar la sustenencia de las poblaciones del África francófona
Con base en las contribuciones ampliamente reconocidas por la Universidad de Liège (UL) en el ámbito de la investigación científica y la formación, y en particular en los temas críticos para la FAO, las dos instituciones han formalizado su alianza através de un Memorando de Entendimiento (MdE).  Este documento incluye un plan de trabajo de tres años focalizado en dar apoyo a la sustenencia de las poblaciones del África francófona. El MdE se firmó el 3 de octobre 2017 en Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (UL), en presencia de Cristina Amaral, Directora de la Oficina de la FAO en Bélgica y de...
South-south Cooperation
02 Oct 2017
A kenya delegation discuss with Indonesia goverment official about food security in their country
A High-level delegation from Kenya visits Indonesia to learn about its decentralized governance structure facilitated by FAO South-South Cooperation. An eight member Kenyan delegation led by Muo Hamisi Williams, the Technical Advisor to the Cabinet Secretary participated in a one-week study tour to Indonesia to learn about the country’s experience, best practices and lessons learnt from Food Security and Nutrition policy planning and implementation within a decentralized governance system.  The delegation also includes senior experts from the Taskforce drafting the new Agriculture Sector Growth and Transformation Strategy (ASGTS), as well representatives from the different State Departments of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and...
Resource Partners
26 Sep 2017
Developing agriculture, forestry and natural resource management to enhance rural development are important components of a four-year cooperation agreement signed here today between Belarus and FAO
The FAO Country Programming Framework for the Republic of Belarus was signed in a ceremony at the Ministry of Agriculture by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Alla Lomakina and FAO Regional Programme Leader for Europe and Central Asia Raimund Jehle. Read More