
12 Jun 2017
La oficina de la FAO en Rusia junto con la Universidad Agrícola nacional de Rusia – la Academia de Agricultura Timiryazev de Moscú han organizado una Mesa Redonda-Webinar en Moscú el día 30 de mayo sobre el tema de la "Gestión Eficaz de los Recursos Hídricos en la Agricultura". Este webinar hace parte de una serie que enfoca la gestión sostenible de recursos naturales y la agricultura en el marco del Año del Ambiente en Rusia. La Mesa Redonda con la participación de expertos y tomadores de decisiones políticas fue la segunda de su tipo organizada por la FAO...
Resource Partners
08 Jun 2017
Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica aportó USD 2 millones para formular el programa, gracias a un acuerdo firmado hoy con la FAO. Será presentado al Fondo Verde del Clima por el SICA.
Un nuevo programa regional apoyará a las comunidades más vulnerables del Corredor Seco Centroamericanos y las zonas áridas de República Dominicana a enfrentar los efectos del cambio climático y aumentar su resiliencia. El Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) aportó USD 2 millones de dólares para la formulación del programa, gracias a un acuerdo firmado ayer con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO).
Parliamentary alliances
02 Jun 2017
FAO Director-General addresses European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
To achieve sustainable development we must transform current agriculture and food systems, including by supporting smallholders and family farmers, reducing pesticide and chemical use, and improving land conservation practices, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today addressing European lawmakers. "Massive agriculture intensification is contributing to increased deforestation, water scarcity, soil depletion and the level of greenhouse gas emission," Graziano da Silva said. He stressed that while high-input and resource intensive farming systems have substantially increased food production, this has come at a high cost to the environment.
South-south Cooperation
29 May 2017
Niger plans to modernize its livestock farming in the image of the Tunisian model
29 May 2017, Niger - Niger plans to modernize its livestock farming in the image of the Tunisian model. To achieve this, Mr Albadé Abouba, Minister of State, of Agriculture and Livestock, thanks to the support of FAO Niger, headed a strong delegation of experts and producers that travelled to Tunisia from 16 to 20 May 2017, where the producers, experts and researchers of the visited country were asked to back Niger in transposing its successful experiences. Exchanges with Tunisian officials, experts, researchers and producers enabled the Nigerian delegation to obtain as much information as possible on livestock research, livestock feed production,...
South-south Cooperation
26 May 2017
FAO provides agricultural inputs to targeted communities in five prefectures of Lower Guinea
26 May 2017, Republic of Guinea: An FAO delegation, accompanied by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, undertook a supervisory mission to the Republic of Guinea from 22 to 26 May 2017, to ensure the technical follow-up of the activities carried out in the framework of the Regional Partnership for Sustainable Rice Development in Sub-Saharan Africa project (GCP/RAF/489/VEN), funded by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The project, which targets 10 African countries (Benin, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda), aims to promote efficient and more productive rice systems for the enhancement of...