
Resource Partners
24 Jan 2017
FAO today hosted a high-level delegation from Japan in a bid to bolster both sides of a strong relationship between the UN agency responsible for fighting hunger and its second-largest donor. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sent a number of senior officials to the meeting, one of a series aimed at crafting a strategic plan for further advancing the key partnership. The broader Japanese delegation underscored the increasingly geopolitical nature of assuring food security and putting agriculture on a sustainable and responsible footing in an era of globalization and border-hopping challenges such as...
Resource Partners
23 Jan 2017
Bolstering budgets of Codex Alimentarius and the International Plant Protection Convention
Canadatoday announced it will contribute an additional $1 million to international bodies that develop the standards for food safety and plant protection. Lawrence MacAulay, Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, told FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva of the decision while both leaders were in Berlin attending high-level meetings including Sunday's meeting of agriculture ministers from the G20 countries.
Private Sector
09 Jan 2017
In cooperation with the Global Good Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has handed more than 5000 Mazzi™ containers that provide clean and effective storage of milk, to the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. The Ministry will distribute the containers to farmers in eight regions of Ethiopia.  Millions of smallholder dairy farmers in Ethiopia rely on milk for both...
19 Dec 2016
Building bridges between science and development to combat climate change and its impacts is at the heart of a new partnership agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) that was signed at an official event held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on Monday, 19 December 2016.  Mustapha Sinaceur, Director of  FAO’s Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium said the partnership was based on a “pre-existing, fruitful relationship between our two institutions” and that they shared a vision and common goals for enhancing institutional capacities to address global climate change mitigation and adaptation. “FAO and UCL...
Parliamentary alliances
12 Dec 2016
Nueva ley incluye recomendaciones y principios - diseñados con el apoyo de la FAO- para que los países fortalezcan la agricultura familiar mediante legislaciones nacionales.
Los miembros del Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño (Parlatino) aprobaron de forma unánime una Ley modelo de agricultura familiar, la cual incluye recomendaciones y directrices para que los países fortalezcan este sector clave para la seguridad alimentaria, señaló hoy la FAO. La ley fue votada el 3 de diciembre durante la XXXII Asamblea General del PARLATINO realizada en la Ciudad de Panamá. Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, FAO, la nueva ley modelo establece principios rectores, definiciones y obligaciones...