
Resource Partners
08 Dec 2016
Cancun, Mexico - More than 190 countries at a major United Nations conference in Mexico have pledged to step up efforts to integrate biodiversity into the policies of their agriculture, forests and fisheries sectors. On 3 December, countries adopted the Cancun Declaration, named after the Mexican city where the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), known as 'COP13,' is being held. The Declaration represents an unprecedented recognition from the international community that biodiversity protection must involve different governmental and economic sectors and not just environment ministries. At the closure of the COP13 High Level...
South-south Cooperation
01 Dec 2016
The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation advocates for South-South and Triangular Cooperation to deliver long-lasting results that can help achieve the SDGs
1 December 2016, Nairobi – FAO will support the new initiative on Triangular Cooperation of the Global Partnerships for Effective Development Cooperation, initiated by Mexico and Canada. A working group will work at political and operational levels to ensure that triangular programming is grounded on the core principles of effectiveness. The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation recognized South-South and Triangular Cooperation “as an increasingly potent feature of international cooperation for development”, in its Second High-Level Meeting held these days in Nairobi. The Global Partnership is therefore joining the main international cooperation frameworks to recognize the effectiveness of these forms of cooperation...
Resource Partners
29 Nov 2016
Budapest, Hungary – The Director-General met today with Hungarian Minister for Agriculture Sandor Fazekas, on the margins of the Regional Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Europe and Central Asia.
South-south Cooperation
28 Nov 2016
The Centre will support of the management and sharing of knowledge continent-wide
28 November 2016, Addis Ababa - The African Union Commission (AUC) convened a group of stakeholders, including Regional Economic Communities (RECs), development partners and academia at the AUC premises in Addis Ababa to discuss an assessment report for the establishment of an “African Union Centre of Best Practices for Food Security (AU-CBPFS)”.  The idea of the centre emerged from the Malabo Implementation Strategy and Road Map which recommended the establishment of Centre of Excellence to contribute to the vision of Africa’s Agricultural Transformation. Facilitated by FAO and the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), the two-day assessment examined a cross-section of existing Centres...
South-south Cooperation
28 Nov 2016
New agreement builds on successful exchanges with China
28 November 2016, Rome - Mongolia and FAO will work more closely together to promote international partnerships and exchanges that support sustainable agriculture in the East Asian country, the UN agency said today. A new agreement, signed by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and Mongolia's agriculture minister Purev Sergelen today, will strengthen the partnership between FAO and Mongolia on South-South and Triangular Cooperation -- a form of development partnership that boosts countries' agricultural capacity by linking their policy makers and producers with experts and technologies from around the world. This includes other emerging economies that have built special expertise in...