
Civil Society
10 Oct 2014
Más de 200 representantes de la sociedad civil se reúnen este fin de semana para debatir la problemática sobre seguridad alimentaria y nutrición durante el foro anual del Mecanismo de la Sociedad Civil (MSC), que tiene lugar en la sede central de la FAO en Roma. El encuentro es preparatorio para la sesión plenaria del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial (CSA), que comienza el próximo lunes, 13 de octubre. Esta es la tercera vez consecutiva que la FAO alberga el foro anual del MSC. Este año el foro conmemorará a Chandrika Sharma, conocida defensora de...
South-south Cooperation
08 Oct 2014
“We want to share our experiences to contribute to global efforts for food security,” minister says
8 October 2014, Rome – Viet Nam stands ready to send experts to other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to assist in food production and other areas of agricultural development, the country's Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, Cao Duc Phat, said today following a meeting with FAO’s Director-General...
08 Oct 2014
Resources will be allocated to ensure social participation in a Global Dialogue and other actions
7 October 2014, Rome - FAO and the Brazilian government signed an agreement today in Rome under which Brazil commits to give $ 150 000 to the Multilateral Trust Fund of the International Year of Family Farming, managed by the Organization. The funds will be used to support the participation of the civil society in the 2014 Global Dialogue on Family Farming, to be held on 25 and 26 October in Rome, and the development of a web-based platform that will include publications, policies and laws related to family farming. The agreement will also benefit the creation of a...
Civil Society
08 Oct 2014
El informe destaca el papel fundamental de la sociedad civil en el avance hacia el Derecho a la Alimentación
Roma, 8 de octubre de 2014 – “La sociedad civil ha tenido un papel clave en la implementación de las directrices y ha contribuido a llevar el Derecho a la Alimentación a las constituciones de 28 países,” ha afirmado Jomo K. Sundaram, Director General Adjunto y Coordinador para el Desarrollo Económico y Social de FAO, durante la presentación del informe elaborado por el Consorcio del Observatorio del Derecho a la Alimentación y a la Nutrición en la sede de la FAO en Roma. El Observatorio 2014 analiza los “logros, inquietudes y luchas” de los diez años de las Directrices...
02 Oct 2014
On 50th anniversary, partners celebrate innovation in nuclear application for food and agriculture
Rome - As soil degradation, pests and livestock diseases continue to pose major threats to food security and food safety worldwide, there’s an increasing role for peaceful applications of nuclear technologies in food and agricultural development.  This was the message conveyed by partners at an event highlighting successes of 50 years of the Joint Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, a strategic partnership between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and FAO created in 1964. “The world may have changed since then, but the need, through technology, to provide more, better and safer food while sustaining...