
Private Sector
10 Jul 2014
Scheduled for the fall, project aims to fill current information gap
9 July 2014, Rome – The Thomson Reuters Foundation, the corporate charity of the world’s biggest news and information providers, is teaming up with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to improve global information and awareness on hunger and food-related issues including food production, food security, food waste, agriculture, land use, and malnutrition.   An agreement signed today by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and the Thomson Reuters Foundation Editor-in-Chief Belinda Goldsmith outlines a number of joint activities to be undertaken by the Organization and the Foundation’s global team of journalists covering humanitarian issues, women’s rights, human trafficking, the human...
Private Sector
07 Jul 2014
Rabobank Foundation chief: “Inputs, seeds and fertilizers cost money, but you also have to know how to use them and that is what makes this partnership so interesting”
4 July 2014, Rome - FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, met today with the Rabobank Foundation Managing Director, Pierre van Hedel, to discuss progress made in three joint projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. “FAO’s research and technical expertise and Rabobank’s business orientation combined are bringing great results in the field,” the Rabobank Foundation Managing Director said in remarks after the meeting. “Our mutual competences have been brought together and put into action,” he added. A partnership agreement between FAO and Rabobank Foundation was signed in September 2013 with the aim of sharing knowledge, experience, networks and financial resources in order...
04 Jul 2014
20th UN International Day of Co-operatives
Worldwide, the important contributions of agricultural cooperatives to poverty reduction and the achievement of food security are becoming increasingly recognized. As autonomous businesses that are jointly-owned and democratically controlled by their members, cooperatives are a tested model that can sustainably support small-scale producers to improve their access to markets and increase their incomes. 
04 Jul 2014
Message of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations On the 20th UN International Day of Co-operatives
Message of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations On the 20th UN International Day of Co-operatives  5th July 2014   Worldwide, the important contributions of agricultural cooperatives to poverty reduction and the achievement of food security are becoming increasingly recognized. As autonomous businesses that are jointly-owned and democratically controlled by their members, cooperatives...
Civil Society
02 Jul 2014
El Director General de la FAO se reúne con la nueva Relatora Especial de la ONU para el Derecho a la Alimentación
2 de Julio de 2014, Roma – El director general de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, se ha reunido hoy con Hilal Elver, la nueva Relatora Especial de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas para el derecho a la alimentación (OACDH). Ambos han acordado trabajar juntos en sus complementarios mandatos. Como en 2014 se cumplen 10 años desde la adopción de Directrices Voluntarias en apoyo de la realización progresiva del derecho a una alimentación adecuada en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional, Graziano da Silva y Elver comentaron tanto los progresos realizados hasta...