
South-south Cooperation
10 Oct 2023
Brasilia, October 10, 2023 -Over the course of three days, representatives from the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru, as well as from the cotton sector, the textile industry, and artisans, participated in the celebrations of the World Cotton Day 2023. The Cotton Week in Latin America took place from October 4th to 6th in Brasília, capital of Brazil.
10 Oct 2023
On 17 October, FAO will host the Fifth Annual Academia Perspectives Roundtable – a hybrid, interactive dialogue on the role of FAO partnerships with academia and research institutions to address climate change and food security, as a side event at the World Food Forum (WFF). Climate change is increasingly threatening the global goal to end hunger, causing disruption to agrifood systems and impacting food security and nutrition for the most vulnerable countries and populations. Ambitious action and...
Civil Society
05 Oct 2023
El nuevo acuerdo continúa apoyando el avance de la agricultura familiar en el diálogo político, potenciando su papel clave hacia sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles y en la consecución de la Agenda 2030
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) y el Foro Rural Mundial (FRM) han renovado su colaboración a través de un nuevo Memorando de Entendimiento (MdE), reafirmando su creencia compartida de que los agricultores y las agricultoras familiares desempeñan un papel crucial para lograr la transformación de los sistemas agroalimentarios y los objetivos de la Agenda 2030. Este nuevo MdE proporciona un marco de tres años que...
South-south Cooperation
02 Oct 2023
UN partners visit Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (RWEE) project sites
According to Therese Kansayisa, one of the farmers participating in the Joint Programme on Accelerating Progress towards Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment (JP RWEE) in Rwanda’s Ngoma district, yields per hectare have increased from 30 to 70 percent and child malnutrition has decreased thanks to the project’s activities.
Resource Partners
27 Sep 2023
A new agreement has been reached between the EIB and UN institutions to increase the impact of multilateral project financing and to introduce a new level of cooperation between international partners. Additional resources for UN agencies will enable them to provide technical assistance and advisory support for EIB-financed projects. Discussions are taking place with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and other UN agencies on joining the agreement at a later stage Cooperation between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and five United Nations institutions will be greatly facilitated...