
Civil Society
26 Nov 2013
Food recognized as catalyst for bridging cultural differences, fighting poverty
FAO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) have agreed to strengthen ties, using food as a bridge to improve cross-cultural relations and promote shared prosperity. At a signing ceremony Friday at FAO’s New York office, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva and UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) formalizing the new partnership. “A hungry world is not a peaceful world,” declared the FAO Director-General. “Sustainable food production bolsters not only food security, but also human security in all its forms.” Food also brings people together, added...
Private Sector
22 Nov 2013
In an effort to strengthen FAO’s engagement with the private sector, the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC) conducted a capacity development course at FAO headquarters this week.
22 November 2013, Rome - In an effort to strengthen FAO’s engagement with the private sector, the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC) conducted a capacity development course at FAO headquarters this week. Over thirty FAO staff participated in the intensive five-day training, including private sector focal points from technical divisions and representatives from the Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC). The BCCCC program at FAO marks the first time corporate citizenship training has been offered in a UN setting. Instructors from BCCCC worked with OPC Private Sector Team leader Annamaria Pastore over a number...
Private Sector
14 Nov 2013
22 organismos de las Naciones Unidas llevarán a la Expo de Milán la visión de un mundo sostenible y sin hambre
Las Naciones Unidas y la Expo 2015 firmaron hoy un acuerdo que confirma el amplio apoyo de la ONU a la Expo de Milán, en la que la atención mundial se centrará en el reto de erradicar el hambre y la pobreza y en producir suficientes alimentos nutritivos para una población mundial que se espera alcance los 9 000 millones de personas para el año 2050. "Alimentar el planeta, energía para la vida", es el tema de la Expo 2015, que coincide con los principios fundacionales de la ONU de combatir el hambre y la pobreza. La Expo se desarrollará en...
Civil Society
14 Nov 2013
El acuerdo también establece iniciativas conjuntas para dar a conocer el mandato de la Organización entre las empresas y la opinión pública española
La FAO y el Club de Exportadores e Inversores Españoles colaborarán en la creación de capacidades y la formación de productores y distribuidores locales para apoyar la comercialización de productos agropecuarios en mercados internacionales. El acuerdo firmado hoy en la sede de la FAO en Roma por Marcela Villarreal, directora de Asociaciones, Actividades de Promoción y Creación de Capacidad de la FAO, y Balbino Prieto, presidente del Club de Exportadores e Inversores, establece también el intercambio de conocimientos que permita mejorar el nivel de vida de la población rural en países en desarrollo. Ambas instituciones llevarán a cabo iniciativas para dar...
Civil Society
14 Nov 2013
Regional Dialogue on Family Farming in Africa: Working towards a strategic approach to promote food security and nutrition “
Cape town, South Africa, 08 November 2013 (FAO) - The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) jointly with the World Rural Forum (WRF), the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the World Farmers Organization (WFO) organized an African Regional Dialogue in Cape Town from 6 to 7 November 2013 to enhance national and regional discussions on family farming and smallholder farming (including agriculture forestry, fisheries and livestock). In a world that has an estimated population of 7 billion, where almost 1 billion people are undernourished (of which 239 million are in Sub-Saharan Africa), the African continent is faced with...