
Civil Society
13 Nov 2013
The three agencies confirmed their commitment to play a key role for mobilizing change through resilience building in the region.
Nairobi – FAO, WFP and UNICEF share the goal of strengthening resilience of the most vulnerable in Eastern and Central Africa. The three agencies confirmed their commitment to play a key role for mobilizing change through resilience building in the region. The agencies made the pledge during a two-day workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.  The joint statement is a new step in a process that started after the 2011 drought crisis in the Horn of Africa, when donors, governments and UN agencies pledged to work differently. Following the Heads of States Summit in September 2011, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) received...
Civil Society
06 Nov 2013
El acuerdo cubre respuestas a las necesidades críticas así como iniciativas para atajar impedimentos sistémicos a los ambientes estables, sostenibles y con seguridad alimentaria.
La FAO y Plan International colaborarán para promover la seguridad alimentaria en hogares y comunidades pobres, con un enfoque fuerte en niños vulnerables y sus familias. El acuerdo firmado hoy por Marcela Villarreal, Directora de la Oficina de la FAO para Asociaciones, Actividades de Promoción y Creación de Capacidad (OPC), y Rosemary McCarney, Presidenta y Directora Ejecutiva de Plan Canada, cubre respuestas a las necesidades críticas así como iniciativas para atajar impedimentos sistémicos a los ambientes estables, sostenibles y con seguridad alimentaria. “La FAO está orgullosa de esta asociación con Plan International. Nos reunimos en un momento en que nos damos...
Private Sector
05 Nov 2013
Un proyecto de la FAO financiado por el FMAM se suma al esfuerzo mundial para una gestión sostenible de la pesca
Washington DC/Roma - La presidenta y directora general del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM), Naoko Ishii, aprobó hoy un proyecto coordinado por la FAO para mejorar el estado y la sostenibilidad de las pesquerías de atún en todo el mundo, reduciendo las capturas ilegales y apoyando los ecosistemas marinos y las especies relacionadas. El FMAM, una institución internacional que engloba a 183 países para hacer frente a los problemas medioambientales globales y apoyar el desarrollo sostenible, aprobó la financiación de la fase de ejecución del proyecto que reúne a múltiples socios y está coordinado por la FAO, cuyo objetivo es...
Private Sector
31 Oct 2013
FAO Director-General met with representatives of the Senegalese private sector and emphasized the key role that they can play in reinforcing food security and in developing sustainable agriculture.
Dakar, Senegal - FAO Director-General met with representatives of the Senegalese private sector and emphasized the key role that they can play in reinforcing food security and in developing sustainable agriculture. Companies present discussed their activities ad issues encountered in the areas of  distribution of agricultural inputs, production and processing of local commodities including cereals, fruits. The representatives of the Senegalese Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, and the national Employer Federation shared their global vision of how the agricultural sector could be more efficient. They proposed to develop an integrated approach from a "modern production" to locally processed and purchased food products, including...
Private Sector
30 Oct 2013
A discussion about the efficiency and inclusiveness of Public Private Partnerships as a tool in the fight against hunger was held at FAO headquarters today.
Rome - A seminar titled “The efficiency and inclusiveness of Public Private Partnerships as a tool in the fight against hunger” was held at FAO headquarters today. The Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department (AG) and the Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC) jointly held the seminar. The central theme discussed over the two-hour seminar concerned public private partnerships (PPP) as a tool in the fight against hunger. From this theme, two key questions emerged: how PPPs can be an efficient tool in eradicating hunger, and how PPPs be inclusive of local agribusiness and smallholder farmers.  Representatives from FAO, IFAD and the Standards...