
Parliamentary alliances
12 Sep 2022
  Fecha:28 de Setiembre, 13h00 – 15h00 CEST; 27 de Octubre, 13h00 – 15h00 CEST; 30 de Noviembre 13h00 – 15h00 CET. Lugar: En Línea (Zoom) Dado que la acción parlamentaria para hacer frente al hambre y la malnutrición es más necesaria...
South-south Cooperation
06 Sep 2022
BRASILIA, September 6, 2022 – “The school feeding policy is our pride. Because it is considered unquestionable, permanent and with multiple benefits“, highlighted the deputy director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), ambassador Luiza Lopes da Silva, during the opening of the technical mission to Brazil of government representatives from 10 countries and institutions from Latin America and the Caribbean, to learn about the implementation of the Brazilian school feeding policy.
South-south Cooperation
02 Sep 2022
For the sixth consecutive year, the Rome Based Agencies (RBAs) are jointly organizing the celebration of the UN Day for South-South Cooperation (UN Day for SSC) – an annual event marked on 12 September 2022. This year, the UN Day for SSC also coincides with the Global South-South Development expo (GSSD-Expo), 12-14 September 2022, Bangkok, Thailand. They will use the occasion to present a joint field-level collaboration in South-South and Triangular Cooperation, in support of national home-grown school meals programmes, in line with the School Meals Coalition and the outcome of the UN Food Systems Summit. South-South and...
South-south Cooperation
30 Aug 2022
Bridgetown, Barbados - 30 August, 2022 Around the Caribbean and Latin America, the need to focus on the full value of water to society is becoming increasingly important, like in the rest of the world, as the resource continues to face supply and demand challenges. Raising awareness on this was a central goal of the ‘’Focus on the Americas’’ sessions at the Stockholm International Water Institute’s World Water Week held in Stockholm, Sweden, from 24 August to 1 September 2022, in a hybrid online/in-person format.
19 Aug 2022
Rome, Italy Land degradation and desertification in the Mediterranean is becoming increasingly pronounced due to climate change and increasing pressures on agricultural and forest land. This has negative implications for ecosystem services, climate change mitigation, food security and the social, economic and political sectors. The combination of all of these factors requires concerted efforts toward sustainable land and water management. With...