
Parliamentary alliances
19 Oct 2020
The European Parliamentary Alliance event highlighted innovation, sustainability and transforming value chains
A double-celebration marking World Food Day and the 75th anniversary of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) underscored the need to make urgent and lasting changes to ensure food security for all, in keeping with the theme of this year’s observance, Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. Our actions are our future.   FAO Director-General QU Dongyu joined in the FAO Brussels event, along with the Vice-President of the European Parliament, the European Commissioner for Agriculture, high-level officials from the OACPS, and the Director of the World Food Programme.   “Our work is not done yet. Together with all key stakeholders, we are working to...
Resource Partners
19 Oct 2020
El 29 de septiembre de 2020, la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) autorizó una contribución voluntaria excepcional a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) de EUR 2,8 millones. Este año, España ha aumentado generosamente sus contribuciones voluntarias y ha ampliado el espectro de la cooperación internacional para apoyar acciones que puedan ayudar a paliar los efectos devastadores de la pandemia de COVID-19 en poblaciones vulnerables. Esto incluye mejorar la seguridad alimentaria, proteger los medios de vida de las familias...
Private Sector
15 Oct 2020
Cómo los jóvenes héroes del sector alimentario emplean la tecnología para mejorar los métodos de cultivo del café
Diego Urbano, un estudiante de 18 años del sur de Colombia, lleva el café en la sangre. Nació en una familia productora de café y ahora, tras unirse a un proyecto dirigido a impulsar el uso de la tecnología en el sector, le apasiona continuar esa tradición, dándole un giro innovador.“Como jóvenes, queremos continuar labrándonos el futuro en el campo, y queremos lograrlo siendo innovadores en la producción, la comercialización y el consumo”, afirma Diego.Como parte del proyecto, Diego y otros 29 estudiantes del centro de enseñanza La Victoria fueron formados en los procesos de cosecha,...
Parliamentary alliances
15 Oct 2020
How the EU Parliament’s Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition translates political will into action for better food systems
Brussels - In recent years, parliamentarians in Europe and other regions of the world have formed alliances to step up efforts to combat hunger and malnutrition globally, while making food systems more sustainable, inclusive and resilient. The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition,  was created in 2016 as an initiative of and under the auspices of FAO, is an alliance of currently 30 members of the European Parliament formed with the aim to achieve the objectives encompassed in the Sustainable Development Goals and in particular, SDG2 (end hunger). “The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition always works to keep food security...
15 Oct 2020
The world’s demand for fish is growing: over the last thirty years, there has been a 122% rise in fish consumption globally. In 2018, global capture fisheries recorded a catch of 96.4 million tonnes, the highest recorded total to date.   Small-scale fisheries play an important part in meeting this demand. They are present in all parts of the world, and the vast majority of their catch is destined for local human consumption. The sector provides an important contribution to nutrition, food security, sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation, especially in developing countries. In recognition of the important role they play, the...