
Private Sector
30 Jun 2020
Putting African youth at the forefront of digital agriculture to tackle COVID-19 and beyond
Accra - The COVID-19 pandemic has driven many people to digital platforms in Africa. People are buying, trading and transporting goods and services through digital channels across the continent. FAO, in collaboration with Generation Africa, brought over 200 young agribusiness innovators and other agri-food systems actors together in a webinar to discuss the status of digital solutions in the sector. This movement, spearheaded by young entrepreneurs,  including those interested in agriculture or ‘agripreneurs’, has the potential to support efforts of many farmers and transform agri-food systems during the current crisis, but also in a post-coronavirus Africa.“COVID-19 has brought...
South-south Cooperation
29 Jun 2020
The People’s Republic of China has been one of FAO’s main partners in the promotion of South–South and triangular cooperation. In terms of cooperation among developing countries, China upholds the principles of equality and mutual trust, building equal partnerships with parity of ownership and responsibility, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, which are highly valued by FAO. Together, FAO and China offer considerable development knowledge and solutions that are relevant to South–South exchanges. After more than two decades of increasing collaboration in supporting flows of technical assistance between developing countries, FAO and China established in 2009 the FAO–China South–South Cooperation Programme, supported...
Parliamentary alliances
26 Jun 2020
The virtual dialogue on “Parliamentarians’ response to the impacts of COVID-19 on gender equality, food security and nutrition” organized by FAO, IISD and OXFAM with us Parliamentarians from the Africa, Europe and Latin America and Caribbean regions is very timely and of utmost importance. We rarely have the opportunity of exchanging knowledge and experiences regarding gender issues in agriculture and food security between regions and this dialogue becomes crucial in times when a coordinated and global action is needed to fight the COVID-19 that has threatened food security and nutrition, and the progresses achieved since the adoption of the MDGs and...
Parliamentary alliances
25 Jun 2020
Discussion centers on gender-responsive policy measures for resilient food systems
Parliamentarians from around the world met on June 18 for the first in a series of virtual dialogues on parliamentary action for gender equality and resilient food systems in response to Covid-19. These dialogues, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and Oxfam, will offer parliamentarians a platform to share their experiences on various topics across...
Resource Partners
22 Jun 2020
The 2019 Annual Progress Report provides an overview of the major improvements and transformational changes to the FMM since 2018, in addition to presenting key achievements, challenges and lessons learned thus far in the implementation of the Mechanism over 2019.