

Resource Partners
28 Jun 2016
FAO Multi-Partner Programme Support Mechanism stimulates investments in agribusinesses
What led Tini Jack and her husband Gelling, a couple from the Cook Islands, give up comfort¬able government jobs with guaranteed salaries to plant staples? It was the opportunity to set up a successful business. Today, in the Cook Island, the agribusiness sector has a high potential for development, in particular to meet a largely unsatisfied market demand. For decades farmers have left their land to engage in tertiary sector activities. Today farming remains generally small scale. These trends have led to an alarming decrease in agricultural production, an inability to supply domestic markets at competitive prices and high dependence on food...
Civil Society
26 May 2016
26/05/2016 -  Roma, 26 de mayo de 2016. “El derecho a saber es fundamental para que la gente pueda saber lo que come y tomar decisiones informadas para alcanzar una dieta saludable”, decía el senador Guido Girard Lavín en la sede de la FAO en la presentación de la nueva ley de etiquetado de alimentos de Chile, que 
South-south Cooperation
13 Apr 2016
Five years ago, a programme was launched in Latin America and the Caribbean with the goal to provide students with nutritious food, promoting food and nutrition education, and stimulating the local economy.  The “Strengthening School Feeding Programmes in the Framework of the Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean 2025 Initiative” began with the collaboration of five countries, and today the number has grown to 14.
Resource Partners
10 Nov 2015
Zimbabwe’s efforts to address the root causes of poverty and food insecurity and build resilience against climate change are being supported by means of a four-year USD 48 million (GBP 30 million) initiative made possible through a partnership between the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development’s (DFID) and FAO.  Running through 2017, the Zimbabwe Livelihoods and Food Security Programme (LFSP) is expected to reduce poverty for nearly 300 000 smallholder farmers through climate-smart farming practices increasing agricultural productivity, and initiatives improving farmers’ access to markets.  FAO is responsible for leading the preparation of the programme’s implementation during an inception phase, including coordination...
South-south Cooperation
30 Sep 2015
Despite Latin America’s recent success in reducing the number of people affected by hunger by 24 percent, over 49 million people still go hungry every day. The region produces enough food, however, poverty prohibits people’s access to nutritious meals. Children in particular are severely affected, as inadequate nutrition not only results in poor health; it reduces their life prospects in the long-term. Hunger decreases children’s cognitive performance, participation and often results in absenteeism... Read more!