
FAO Director-General meets with the Private Sector Mechanism

Private Sector

FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva urged private sector representatives to contribute to the creation of conditions that ensure responsible investments in food production and agriculture. “Help these principles become part of the environment considered necessary for investment,” Graziano da Silva said, referring to the Principles for Responsible Investment in [...]

2014 Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) Annual Forum

Civil Society

Civil society representatives met at FAO to assess the last five years of the Committee for World Food Security (CFS) during the annual forum of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM).This video is an insight on their views about civil society's participation in issues related to food, agriculture and nutrition, and [...]

El Derecho a la Alimentación - La lucha de los Pueblos (FIAN International)


DerechoALaAlimentación, adoptadas por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO). Para ello, la Red Mundial por el Derecho a la Alimentación y Nutrición junto con otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil y movimientos sociales unen sus fuerzas para evaluar la [...]