
Loyda Twinomujuni – FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme

South-south Cooperation

A female-owned business thrives, supporting local employment and food security. Loyda Twinomujuni, supported by the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme, runs a farm where she rears cattle and pigs. 

FAO + Canada. Building resilience and empowering women for food and nutrition security

Resource Partners

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted agri-food systems.

Unless we take immediate action, we risk a food crisis with long-term impacts for millions of people. With Canada’s contribution of over USD 17 million through FAO's COVID-19 Response [...]

City-to-city cooperation for sustainable urban food systems

South-south Cooperation

This video presents a recent FAO support for the exchange of knowledge and experiences on food waste reduction between 3 cities: Milan (Italy), Nairobi (Kenya) and Kigali (Rwanda). It highlights city-to-city cooperation benefit.

FAO + Turkey. Partnering for food security and sustainable management of natural resources

Resource Partners

Together we are…

improving food security and inclusive rural development,
fostering sustainable natural resource management,
building national capacities for sustainable agriculture and forestry,
enhancing global food governance,
… and strengthening the resilience of livelihoods,

With over USD 75 million invested in the last 12 years, [...]

Making every voice count for adaptive management

South-south Cooperation

Promotional video on the "Making every voice count for adaptive management" initiative co-led by the Forestry Department and the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division in FAO. The initiative will complement and support the steps planned to be taken by the GEF-7 Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscape. 


FAO + Ireland. Partnering for a peaceful, equal and sustainable world

Resource Partners

Together we are… partnering for food security and nutrition, supporting sustainable agri-food systems, promoting peace through resilience building, protecting the environment through natural resource management and climate action, …and strengthening global food governance.

Joint FAO + Ireland initiatives have helped…

1 Improve access and availability of food
2 Invest in inclusive, [...]

Parliament Action #5 | Parliamentarians' Action for Gender Equality and Food Security as a Response to COVID-19

Parliamentary alliances

This series of webinars served to explore and generate a reflection on the role of parliamentarians in mitigating the gender-differentiated impacts of COVID-19 on agriculture and food systems.