محور المعرفة عن الرعاة

التشريعات المتعلقة بالرعي

الوثائق القانونية التالية أخذت من قاعدة البيانات التشريعية والسياسية التابعة لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة، FAOLEX

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المزيد من خيارات البحث
أقاليم جغرافية/اقتصادية

Instructions No.26 of 1971 issued by the Supreme Agricultural Council regarding the limits of pastures.

These Instructions consisting of 7 articles aim at establishing that all deserted agricultural lands south of the grazing line are considered designated for grazing purposes, and it is not permissible to exploit them for anything other than what is exempted by a special law for non-agricultural...

Permit Regulations (B.C. Reg. 79/71).

The present Regulation enacts section 34 of the Creston Valley Wildlife Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the granting of permits in the Creston Valley. Activities permitted (1); Pasture management (2); Application for grazing permit (3); Priority in granting of grazing permits...
Canada (British Columbia)
1971 (1980)

Décret nº 70/302/PRES/AGRI-EL portant classement de forêts réserve Sylvo-Pastorale et Partielle de faune du Sahel.

Ce décret porte constitution de la réserve sylvo-pastorale et partielle de faune du Sahel, dont il délimite la superficie, et indique le régime juridique lui afférent. Il porte des mesures spécifiques relatives à la chasse dans cette zone et aux espèces protégées. ...
Burkina Faso (Sahel)

Act No. 5 of 1970 placing restrictions on the right to lead stallions, bulls, rams and billy-goats to pastures.

This Act places restrictions on the grazing of animals mentioned in the title. Specific restrictions are prescribed for each animal. For example, billy-goats shall not be allowed to graze on pasture together with goats or sheep before 15 April of each year on outlying and inner...
1970 (2011)

Matimela Regulations (Cap. 36:06).

The owner of an animal placed in a matimela kraal may claim such animal on the production of his or her identity card and brand certificate or upon presentation of other proof. If upon proof of ownership of a matimela by the person who claims to...
1969 (2013)

Dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Ce dahir prévoit la délimitation de zones spéciales d'action rurale dites "périmètres d'amélioration pastorale" en vue d'assurer la régénération et l'enrichissement des pâturages au moyen de travaux de conservation et d'aménagement. Sont interdites les associations en vue de l'élevage de bétail dans les périmètres d'amélioration pastorale....

Décret nº 2-69-312 portant application du dahir nº 1-69-171 relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale.

Ce décret porte application du dahir relatif à la création de périmètres d'amélioration pastorale. Il porte, notamment, dispositions relatives à la structure et à l'organisation de la commission locale d'amélioration pastorale, au registre des droits de parcours et à la carte de parcours, détenue par les...

Law on animal disease (Animal Disease Law).

The purpose of the present Law is to safeguard the health and well-being of cattle. The Office of the Cantonal Veterinary is in charge of all matters related to animal health in the Canton. He may ask for the collaboration of local authorities, meat and cattle...
Switzerland (Ticino)
1969 (2010)

Land Husbandry Act, 1969 (No. 22 of 1969).

The Act applies to agricultural land, i.e. land utilised for the purpose of the growing of crops or the grazing of livestock. The Minister, in respect of agricultural land, may by Notice in the Gazette make Regulations to ensure that land is employed in the most...

Fences Act 1968.

This Act provides for the construction and maintenance of dividing fences and of vermin-proof fences in the territory of Victoria. ...
Australia (Victoria)
1968 (2020)

Movement of Farm Animals Rules.

These Rules place restrictions on the movement of farm animals, i.e. cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and swine. Movement of an animal from one district to another without a permit of a veterinary inspector or other authorized persons is prohibited. Movement of diseased animals requires a permit...
1968 (1980)

Décret n° 67-143/PRN/MER du 25 Septembre 1967 portant sur la réglementation d’ouverture et de fermeture des stations de pompage situées en zone pastorale.

Le présent décret fixe les conditions et modalités des dates d’ouverture et de fermeture des stations de pompage situées en zone pastorale. ...

Law on Exploitation and Protection of Forestry and Range Lands.

Chapter one of this Law contains definitions of terms therein employed, such as: forest, forest bushes, desert shrubs, forest cover and regions, range, planted rangeland, logs and saplings. Chapter two sets out rules for exploitation and protection of the above mentioned areas. Forestry Organization, established within...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Order No. 20.329 establishing a reserved area for the Institution of Agricultural Research in the sylvo-pastoralism sector.

This Order establishes a reserved area used by the Institution of Agricultural Research in sylvo-pastoralism sector. It has a delimitation of 1.472 hectares and is located within the District of Lourenço Marques in the Province of Maputo. ...

Pasturage (Government Lands) Regulations (Cap. 95).

These Regulations reserved lands as a lay or common for the pasturage of animals. The number and kind of animals that may be pastured at any time on any of the lands by any individual owner shall be determined by the Council Committee. The Chief Agricultural...
Ascension, Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha
1966 (2011)

Ley forestal, de suelos y de aguas.

Las disposiciones de esta Ley se aplican a: 1) los bosques y sus productos; 2) las aguas públicas o privadas; 3) los suelos; 4) las actividades relacionadas con tales recursos (art. 4º). La presente Ley regirá la conservación, fomento y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales que...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Loi nº 65-61 portant réglementation de l'élevage en République centrafricaine.

Au plan institutionnel, la Direction de l'Elevage et des Industries animales est chargée notamment de : l'amélioration zootechnique et le développement de l’élevage; l'alimentation animale; la surveillance et le maintien de la santé animale; le contrôle sanitaire et de qualité des produits d'origine animale, tant à...
Central African Republic

Pounds (Variation of Fees for Certain Townships) Order.

The Order fixes the tariff of fees and rates for use of pounds by livestock depending on the location and on the animal. ...

Animal Diseases Act (Cap. 364).

Holders of animals that have a disease that shall be notified under this Act (“notifiable disease”) shall keep the animals affected separated and notify the administrative officer or inspector. The Director of Veterinary Services may declare areas to be affected by a notifiable disease and the...
1965 (2012)

Trespass Act (Cap. 294).

This Act prohibits the trespassing and some related activities, without reasonable excuse, on private land or any land in possession of a person other than the one trespassing. It shall be an offence to enter private land without reasonable excuse or consent of the occupier...
1963 (1964)

Trust Land (Kwale) (Grazing) Rules (L.N. 625 of 1963).

These Rules regulate the keeping or grazing of donkeys, cattle, sheep and goats in those parts of Trust land in the Kwale area. Only persons normally residing in the area shall keep or depasture any livestock upon land in the area. Other persons shall obtain a...

Loi nº 62-333 du 7 décembre 1962 contre le braconnage dans les parcs nationaux et réserves de faunes.

Cette loi porte, en fait, l'interdiction de la pénétration et du pacage de bétail dans les parcs nationaux et les réserves de faune. Elle prévoit les sanctions en cas d'infraction, parmi lesquelles la saisie des animaux introduits frauduleusement, et en cas de refus de conduire le...
Central African Republic

Décret nº 62-239 contre le braconage en période de transhumance.

Le présent décret porte dispositions contre le braconage des transhumants. Sont interdits à tous propriétaires, éleveurs, conducteurs, convoyeur de troupeaux: l'introduction, le port, l'utilisation de lances de chasse; l'utilisation des chevaux, à l'exeption d'un cheval de prestige par troupeau, mais pour lequel une autorsation est requise....
Central African Republic

Decreto Nº 1.551/62 - Ley de Transformación Agraria.

Así mismo, el capítulo XXIII define el régimen de aguas y regadíos estableciendo requisitos para la afectación de aguas y enunciando las aguas afectables e inafectables, siendo estas últimas aquellas destinadas a obras de regadío o represas públicas, aguas destinadas a actividades industriales, aguas que alimenten...

Kerala Cattle Trespass Rules, 1962.

The Rules further provide for: fines and charges to be paid by cattle owners for the feeding and watering of impounded cattle; inspection of pounds; etc. ...
India (Kerala)

Decreto Nº 485/1962 - Reglamento de la Ley de Montes.

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de la Ley de Montes, que entiende por monte o terreno forestal la tierra en que vegetan especies arbóreas, arbustivas de matorral o herbáceas, sea espontáneamente o procedan de siembra o plantación, siempre que no sean características del cultivo agrícola...
1962 (2010)

Kerala Forest Act, 1961 (No. 4 of 1962).

The Act further provides for: the collection of drift and stranded timber; the preservation of wild elephants; offences, penalties and procedures; fines for cattle trespassing in reserved forests; powers of forest officers; forest development taxes; the establishment of the Kerala Forest Development Fund; etc. ...
India (Kerala)
1962 (1992)

Trust Land (Irrigation Areas) Rules.

These Rules regulate activities in areas of Trust land declared to be irrigation areas by the Minister by Notice in the Official Gazette. The Minister may appoint irrigation committees for any irrigation area. Carrying on of any business, residence, grazing of stock in or occupation of...
1962 (1963)

Trust Land (North Yatta, Yatta Plateau and Ithanga) Rules.

These Rules, made under section 64 of the Government Lands Act and deemed to have been made under section 65 of the Trust Lands Act, regulate the possession, herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 4 to the Government Lands Act. The...
1962 (1963)

Décret n° 61-254/MER-MAS du 2 décembre 1961 fixant les règles d’utilisation des stations de pompages et des zones de parcours en dépendant, par les collectivités ou individus en bénéficiant.

Le présent décret détermine les périodes d’utilisation des pompages et des zones de parcours; les pâturages; les mesures de lutte contre les feux de brousse; les mesures sanitaires vétérinaires ; les cultures ; et les sanctions. ...

Décret 61.150/MER du 25 juillet 1961

Le présent décret fixe les règles d'utilisation des stations de pompage des ressources hydriques et des zones de pâturages. Ce texte prévoit de garantir les droits coutumiers reconnus aux collectivités dans les différentes zones exploitées. ...

Kerala Cattle Trespass Act, 1961 (Act No. 26 of 1961).

The Act further provides for the following: duties of pound keepers; procedures when owners claim the cattle and pay the fines and charges; procedures for cattle which is not claimed; disposal of fines; complaints of illegal seizures or detention; penalties; suits for compensation; etc. ...
India (Kerala)
1961 (2000)

Act No. 12 on various grazing issues [the grazing act].

This Act regulates the keeping of livestock and grazing. It contains the following Chapters: 1. (Repealed); 2. Responsibility for livestock; 3. Grazing regulations; 4. Various provisions. The Act states that owners and keepers of livestock shall be responsible for damages caused by animal trespassing. Further, municipalities...
1961 (2021)

Loi n° 61-06 du 27 mai 1961 érigeant en zone de modernisation pastorale la zone Sahélienne d'Elevage située au Nord de la limite légale des cultures.

La présente loi érige en zone de modernisation pastorale la zone Sahélienne d'Elevage située au Nord de la limite fixée à l'extension des cultures telle définie par la Loi n° 61-5 du 26 mai 1961 est déclarée zone de modernisation pastorale. A l'intérieur de celle-ci, des...

Loi n° 61-5 du 26 mai 1961 fixant une limite Nord des cultures.

La présente loi fixe les limites nord des cultures dans les circonscriptions suivantes: Subdivision de Tanout, Subdivision de Dakoro, Cercle de Filingué, Cercle de Tahoua, Cercle de Gouré, Cercle de N'Guigmi. ...

Loi n°31-61 organisant des secteurs à vocation pastorale autour de chacun des forages du Chari-Baguirni.

La présente loi porte organisation des secteurs à vocation pastorale autour de chacun des forages du Chari-Baguirni. ...

Arrêté nº 058 portant autorisation des feux de pâturage.

Cet arrété indique les périodes pendant lesquelles sont autorisés les feux de pâturages dans les différentes provinces, en application des dispositions de l'article 9 de l'ordonnance nº 60-127 du 3 octobre 1960. ...

Trust Land (Meru Concessional Area) Rules (L.N. 625/1963).

These Rules provide for the licensing of the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or camel in the Meru Concessional Area as defined in the Schedule to these Rules. Every licence shall be in the...
1961 (1963)

West Pakistan Goats Restrictions Rules 1961.

The Rules lay down conditions and procedures for obtaining permission to keep goats in a local area and regulate the leading, driving, conducting or conveying of goats in or through a local area. Furthermore, they regulate the proportion of goats and sheep slaughtered in a slaughter...

Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Keeping of Cattle, Sheep and Goats) Regulations (Chapter 139C).

The Regulations further provide for: licence fees; registration of buildings in which cattle, etc. are kept; ways in which cattle, etc. have to be kept; disposal of urine and noxious liquids; rules on the grazing of cattle or goats; offences and penalties; etc. ...
China, Hong Kong SAR
1960 (2000)

Animals Ordinance 1960.

As for the protection of game, the Act grants powers to the Head of State to provide rules relative to the protection of animals and the hunting and killing of animals. The Act places restrictions on the taking of wild animals and the exportation of...
1960 (2007)

Loi nº 60-126 contre le braconage des transhumants.

Cette loi porte dispositions contre le braconage des transhumants. Sont interdits à tous propiétaires, éleveurs, conducteurs, convoyeur de troupeaux: l'introduction, le port, l'utilisation de plus d'une lance par transhumant; l'introduction, le port, l'utilisation de tous filets de chasse, d'arcs et de flèches; l'utilisation des chevaux. ...
Central African Republic

Trust Land (Shimba Hills) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. A person shall only occupy land on the basis of a valid licence to be issued by the Settlement Officer of...
1960 (1963)

Loi n° 4 du 31 Octobre 1959 portant réglementation du nomadisme sur la territoire de la République du Tchad.

La présente loi détermine les règles et conditions d’exercice du nomadisme. Elle prévoit, entre autres, un recensement obligatoire pour les nomades et des sanctions. ...

Scientific and Industrial Research Act

This Act empowers the President to establish scientific and industrial research institutes, with the approval of the National Assembly. The Act also provides for the incorporation of a board to control these institutes, and amongst other things, prepare the programme of research for which that institute...

Punjab Goats (Restriction) Ordinance, 1959 (Ordinance No. XLII of 1959).

The Act further provides for rule making powers of the Government, and for offences penalties. ...
Pakistan (Punjab)
1959 (1974)

West Pakistan Goats (Restriction) Ordinance 1959.

This Ordinance restricts the grazing of goats and regulates their movement in any area specified by the Government, and also regulates the slaughter of goats. The Ordinance also contains penal provisions. ...

Trust Land (Olenguruone) Rules.

These Rules regulate the possession, herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licences for the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf,...
1959 (1963)

Law No. 128 of 1958 on the protection of trees and plants from damages caused by goats.

This Law is composed of 10 articles. Grazing goats in areas covered with trees which reach 50 percent of the common lands shall be forbidden (art. 1). Farmers and agriculturists exploiting lands other than those referred to in Article 1, are allowed to own goats in...
Syrian Arab Republic

Diseases of Animals (Stock Route) Rules.

These Rules stipulate that no movement of cattle may take place on the stock route approved by the Chief Veterinary Officer unless the fee payable under these Rules has been paid and that all cattle using the stock route shall be branded or otherwise marked in...
1958 (1980)

Trust Land (Kaimosi) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the possession livestock and the grazing of livestock in the Kaimosi Settlement Area. They prohibit the occupation of land or the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, camel or swine...
1958 (1963)

Village Regulations.

These Regulations contain rules relative to the keeping of pigs to which the Regulations apply and to the compulsory planting of specified crops. The Regulations also allow the owner or occupier of any cultivated land or of any enclosed land to shoot or kill any pig...
1957 (1998)

Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Regulations.

These Regulations implement the Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act by providing specifications on the register of stock routes (sects. 4-5), the use of stock reserves (sect. 6), way bills (sects. 7-12), licences for public watering places, inspections and disposal of straying stock (sect. 33). ...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1956 (1997)

Impounding Act, 1955 (Act No. 108 of 1955).

The Act further provide for: procedures for impounding stock in a pound; procedures for disposing of unclaimed, suffering or worthless impounded stock; offences and penalties; regulation making powers of the Governor-General; etc. ...
New Zealand
1955 (2002)

Trust Land (Makueni Area) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in the Schedule to these Rules. A person shall only occupy land or possess, herd or depasture any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey or swine...
1955 (1963)

Trust Land (Sarora) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation or possession of land or livestock and the grazing of livestock in the Sarora settlement area. It provides for registration of occupation of land and sets out the conditions for occupation. The Settlement Officer shall set up an advisory committee for...
1955 (1963)

Special Purposes Lease Act 1953.

Furthermore the Act establishes that the land comprised in a lease granted under this Act shall not be used for any purpose other than the purpose, or a purpose ancillary to the purpose, for...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1954 (2021)

Trust Land (Lambwe Valley) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the cultivation of land and the herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 4 to these Rules. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licensing for the occupation and cultivation of land and...
1954 (1963)

Convention between Italy and Switzerland concerning frontier traffic and grazing.

The Contracting Parties have concluded the present Convention with a view to improving the regulation of frontier traffic and grazing between the two countries. Annex I sets forth the list of the Communes which shall be considered as "frontier zones" and to which the provisions hereby...

Forest and Pasture Servitude Law.

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of use relating to forests and pastures. The text consists of 57 articles divided into 7 Parts as follows: General provisions on forest and pasture rights of use (I); New regulations and regulations relating to rights...
Austria (Tirol)
1952 (2013)

Animals Act 1952.

Part I lists definitions for purposes of this Act. Part II provides for the control of trespass and straying of any cattle, horses or sheep (“stock”), goat or swine. It requires holders of animals to properly confine them provides for confinement orders. Part III concerns the...
Papua New Guinea
1952 (2006)

Declaration by the Minister on Local Forest No. P20 Malanda (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice defines areas as a Local Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the firing of grass...
1952 (2006)

Declaration by the Minister on Local Forest Nos. P10 and P13 (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice defines areas as Local Forests and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the grazing of livestock or...
1952 (2006)

Declaration by the Minister on National and Local Forest (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice describes in its Schedule various areas declared to be National and Local Forests and prohibits specified acts within the said areas except under licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the...
1952 (2006)

Trust Land (Athi-Tiva) (Land Utilization) Rules.

These Rules prohibit the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey or swine in the Athi-Tiva Land Utilization Area without a permission from the licensing officer. The licensing officer shall place a limit on the number of authorized...
1952 (1963)

Declaration by the Minister on Local Forest No. P9 Mukalizi (Cap. 199).

This Government Notice defines areas as a Local Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; squatting or building of livestock enclosures; the firing of grass...
1951 (2006)

Plant Protection (Damage by Goats) Law, 1950.

This Law limits the number of goats allowed to graze in a unit area to one goat per 40 dunams in unirrigated land, and one goat per 10 dunams of irrigated land. This limit does not apply in the yard attached to one's home where any...

Pasturage and Enclosure Regulations.

These Regulations, for purposes of the Pasturage and Enclosure Act 1949: charges for rights of pasturage; attachment of identifying numbers; and inspection of stock by an Inspector appointed under the Brands and Marks Act 1949. ...
Norfolk Island
1949 (2002)

Pasturage and Enclosure Act 1949.

This Act makes provision for the application for and granting of a right of pasturage, i.e. a right to depasture and water horses or cattle on any land which is not enclosed by a cattle proof fence. The executive member may grant to any person...
Norfolk Island
1949 (2011)

Declaration by the Minister on National Forest No. P3 Hippo Pool (Cap. 199).

This Declaration of the Minister defines the Hippo Pool National Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; the making of livestock enclosures; the grazing of...
1947 (2006)

Pasture’s Regulations (License Issuing), 1947.

This Regulation, composed of eight sections and two Annexes, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 makes provisions for the issuing of a Pasturing License and/or a Pasturing Plate...

Hill Farming Act 1946 (1946 Chapter 73 9 and 10 Geo 6).

Furthermore the Act contains provisions concerning control of Rams (England and Wales) and penalties for offences; burning of Heather and Grass (for England and Wales) giving to the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries the power to regulate heather and grass burning in England and Wales; and...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1946 (2020)

Crown Lands (Commonage) Regulations.

These Regulations implement the Crown Lands Act by providing specifications on the management of commonage areas. The Regulations include provisions on animals permitted the use of commonage (sect. 5), the application for the use of commonage (sect. 6), limitation on the use (sect. 7) and related...
Australia (Northern Territory)
1946 (1978)

Arrêté du 15 avril 1946 relatif à l'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers.

Cet arrêté prévoit un plan d'aménagement sylvo-pastoral des massifs forestiers comportant: la détermination des zones ouvertes au pâturage, des zones de mise en défens, un règlement d'exploitation, des mesures culturales pour la restauration ou l'amélioration des pâturages. ...

Pasture’s Order (License Issuing), 1946.

This Order, composed of 10 sections, gives definitions and makes provisions for the issuing of pasturing licenses. Section 1 gives name to this Order. Section 2 gives definitions. Section 3 provides the Minister of Agriculture with powers to set ordinances regarding the announcement of any area...
1946 (1950)

Local Government Act (Cap. 28:02).

Every village shall have a village council and every country district shall have a country authority. Both shall be constituted as a body corporate. This Act vests movable and immovable property in local authorities including non-granted State land and all undivided land, pastures, dams watercourses, etc....
1945 (1996)

Cattle Grazing Act 1945 (Cap. 42).

This Act prohibits the grazing of cattle on land in respect of which there is in force an Order made by a veterinary officer or Order or Rule made by a district administration prohibiting grazing. A veterinary officer may, with respect to land within the area...
1945 (2000)

Declaration by the Minister on National Forest No. P4 Monkey Fountain and Quarry Hill (Cap. 199).

This Declaration of the Minister defines areas as a National Forest and prohibits the carrying out of specified acts within the said areas without a licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; the firing of grass or undergrowth; the grazing...
1944 (2006)

Cattle Traders Act (Cap. 43).

This Act makes provision for the licensing of cattle traders, i.e. any person engaged in the business of purchasing cattle for the purposes of resale or slaughter. An application for a cattle trader’s licence shall be made in the prescribed form to a veterinary officer in...
1943 (2000)

Declaration by the Minister on National and Local Forests Nos. 1 and 6 (Cap. 199).

This Declaration of the Minister describes in the Schedule areas declared to be National and Local Forests and prohibits specified acts within the said areas except under licence. Acts include the felling, cutting, taking or removal of any forest produce; the grazing of livestock; and the...
1943 (2006)

Cattle Trespass Act (Cap. 15).

This Act aims at preventing the straying of cattle on public land or private grounds other than those of the owner of the cattle. Any person who is the owner or who is in charge of any cattle shall cause or permit any such cattle to...
1941 (2006)

Legal Fences and Livestock at Large (Florida Statutes: Title XXXV Agriculture, Horticulture, and Animal Industry; Chapter 588; ss. 588.01-588.25)

This Chapter of the Florida Statutes concerns legal fences and livestock at large. It provides for the requirements of general fence and legal fence; requirements for legally enclosed land, fenced and posted; the requirements for posted notices; requirement; the duty of the owner to maintain fences...
United States of America (Florida)
1941 (2018)

Pound (Places for Reception of Animals) Order (G.N. No. 29 of 1939).

Powers to seize and impound straying animals by the Police are defined in section 4 of the Pound Decree. The Minister may appoint places where animals shall be collected. Animals seized under sections 4 and 5 of the Decree may be conveyed in the places listed...

Pasturage (Government Lands) Ordinance (Cap. 95).

This Ordinance empowers the Governor in Council to regulate various aspects of pasturage including reservation of land owned or leased by Government for the pasturage of animals subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be prescribed. The Council Committee shall be responsible for the carrying...
Ascension, Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha
1938 (1967)

Pounds Regulations.

These Regulations, for purposes of the Pounds Act 1934, require any person impounding any stock in a pound shall give notice to the poundkeeper thereof in accordance with Form 1 in the Schedule. The Regulations also prescribe the manner of publication of the notice. ...
Norfolk Island
1935 (1986)

Pounds Act 1934.

This Act makes provision for the impounding of straying livestock and related matters. The executive member may establish pounds and appoint poundmasters. Stock found (grazing) on enclosed land may be impounded and owners of straying stock may be sued for damage done. Any person impounding any...
Norfolk Island
1934 (2011)

Ley Nº 1.248/31 - Código Rural.

La presente Ley contiene el Código Rural, el cual comprende el conjunto de disposiciones que reglamentan, limitan y aclaran los principios a aplicar en el ámbito de los intereses rurales. El Libro Primero (arts. 1º-100) introduce normas sobre las personas y cosas rurales, incluyendo reglas en...
1931 (1954)

Land Ordinance (Cap. 68).

Further provisions concern the regulation of native lands, the registration of land, the collection of land revenue system and offences and penalties. ...
Malaysia (Sabah)
1930 (2018)

Cattle Trail Regulations.

The regulations contain provisions on the use of the "main trail" and the ferry crossing at Kurupukari. ...
1929 (1938)

Land Resettlement and Registration Act (LRRA) of 1925.

The head of the judiciary may decide the minimum limits for the registration of individually recorded pieces and the quotas allocated to the pieces (art.31). ...

Pound Decree (cap. 126).

No animal (not defined) shall be allowed to stray on public or private premises without being authorised to do so (sect. 2). Section 3 prescribes a penalty for unallowed straying. Powers to seize and impound straying animals by the Police are defined in section 4. Also...
1924 (1937)

Royal Decree Law No. 3267 re-arranging and reforming the legislation in matter of forests and mountain territories.

This Decree Law represents the basic legal framework in matter of forestry. Since it was enacted in 1923, it must be coordinated with the Constitution, which entrusts particular legislative and administrative competences to the Regions in matter of forestry as well (art. 117). The Decree consists...

Animals (Straying) Act (Cap. 40).

This Act makes provision for the seizure and detainment in a pond of stray animals by an administrative, veterinary or police officer or inspecting officer and disposal or release of stray animals on order of a magistrate. Any seizure and detention made under this section shall...
1922 (2000)

Public Pounds and Trespass Act (Cap. 253).

The Minister may, by statutory notice, establish a pound at any place within a declared area and may similarly abolish any pound so established. (sect. 3). The management and control of every pound shall be vested in the District Secretary of the District in which such...
1920 (2006)

State Lands Regulations.

The Regulations provide in detail for Grants, licences and permissions (application, renewal, transfer, reversion) (Part I), Surveys (II), Sale of preferential claims in case of plurality of applications (III), Grants to small cultivators (IV), Leases (for agricultural and grazing purposes) (V), Permissions for grazing areas on...
1919 (1973)

Pounds and Animals Act.

The Minister of Police may authorize the erection or use of public pounds and shall be responsible for management and supervision of such pounds. Owners or occupiers of cultivated or pasture land may seize trespassing cattle and shall bring seized cattle to the nearest pound within...
1918 (1988)

Noxious Weeds Act 1916.

This Act defines plants as noxious weeds and lists them in the Schedule. The executive member may add plant species to this list. The executive member may require an owner of land to eradicate noxious weeds on his or her lands. The land may after a...
Norfolk Island
1916 (2011)

Fencing Act 1913.

This Act provides for the registration of fences and provides with respect to trespass on land of cattle and other animals. Fences, whether artificial or natural, may be registered with the Registrar of Lands. Where the Registrar is satisfied that the fence would no longer effectively...
Norfolk Island
1913 (2011)

Railway (Compensation for Livestock) Act (Chapter 70:03).

This Act makes provisions for the compensation for damage caused to livestock by trains. Claims for compensation for stock under the provisions of this Act shall be cognizable in any competent court of Botswana within the jurisdiction of which court such stock has been killed or...
1904 (2008)

State Lands Act 1903 (Cap. 62:01).

The Act provides for the proper regulation of State lands, rivers and state creeks (preamble). The 45 sections are arranged as follows: Grants, leases and licences; Conditions and limitations; Forfeiture and determination of grant, licence or permission; General regulations; Regulations as to Rupununi cattle trail; Offences;...
1903 (1989)

Ley Nº 2.684 – Exoneración de contribución directa a los terrenos para descanso de hacienda.

En virtud de esta Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a declarar exentos del pago de contribución directa a los propietarios que destinen la totalidad o una parte de sus terrenos al descanso y pastoreo o forrajes de los arreos de ganado que transiten por los...
Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Small Trespass Act (Cap. 7:05).

This Act defines jurisdiction of magistrates in cases of small trespass, i.e. trespass by men or livestock. It also establishes maximum fines for offences of trespass. A magistrate may also try and determine civil claims relating to trespass in case of damage not exceeding a specified...
1892 (1991)

Easements Act, 1882 (Act No. V of 1882).

This Act provides rules relative to a right which the owner or occupier of certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial enjoyment of that land, to do and continue to do something, or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done, in or upon,...
1882 (1981)

Indian Easements Act, 1882.

This Act provides rules relative to a right which the owner or occupier of certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial enjoyment of that land, to do and continue to do something, or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done, in or upon,...
1882 (2019)

Pounds Act (Cap. 67:03).

This Act provides for the establishment and management of pounds, and the impounding, tagging or disposal of straying animals. The Act empowers the Magistrate of any district to authorize the establishment of public pounds. The senior officer of police in every police district shall act as...
Trinidad and Tobago
1875 (2011)

Cattle Trespass Act, 1871 (Act No. 1 of 1871).

The Act further provides for the following: procedures when owners claim the cattle and pay the fines and charges; procedures for cattle which is not claimed; disposal of fines; complaints of illegal seizures or detention; penalties; etc. ...
1871 (1938)

Cattle-Trespass Act, 1871 (Act No. I of 1871).

The Act ratifies provisions in case of cattle trespass. Landowners may seize any cattle trespassing and damaging the crops or any other products on their land, and also any individual in charge of public roads, plantations, canals as per section 11 and send them to the...
1871 (1973)

Cattle-Trespass Act, 1871.

Pounds shall be established and controlled by the Magistrate of the District subject to the control of the Provincial Government, who shall appoint a pound keeper (Chapter II). It shall be lawful for the proprietor or person in charge of an estate to capture trespassing cattle...
1871 (1938)

Código Civil de la República de El Salvador.

BOSQUES Y CULTIVOS. Véase el artículo 908 en materia de posesión: el poseedor de mala fe es responsable de los deterioros que por su hecho o culpa ha sufrido la cosa. El poseedor de buena fe, mientras permanece en ella, no es responsable de estos deterioros,...
El Salvador
1860 (2022)

Cattle Grazing (Application of Act) Instrument (S.I. 42—1).

This Statutory Instrument, made under section 7 of the Cattle Grazing Act, specifies the parts (districts) of Uganda to which the Act applies. ...

Chapter 5 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code - Homestead.

This Chapter concerns the designation by the Governor of Kosrae of homestead areas and the establishment of such areas and specifies requisites for eligibility and conditions for the entry upon and occupancy of public land in homesteading areas. Lands suitable agricultural or grazing purposes or for...
Micronesia (Federated States of) (Kosrae)
0000 (2001)

Chapter 5 of Title 13 of the Kosrae State Code - Offences Against the Public Welfare and Tradition.

This Chapter defines offences against “the public welfare and tradition” including: littering; obstruction of passage through public lands; returning to land from which one was removed; trespassing by pigs; fouling of public rivers and public water systems; unauthorized entering or remaining in state fishery waters; unauthorized...
Micronesia (Federated States of) (Kosrae)
0000 (2001)

Chapter 5 of Title 67 of the Trust Territory Code - Homesteads.

This Chapter concerns the designation of homestead areas and the establishment of such areas and specifies requisites for eligibility and conditions for the entry upon and occupancy of public land in homesteading areas. Lands suitable for agricultural or grazing purposes or for the establishment of community...
Micronesia (Federated States of) (Chuuk)
???? (2001)

Crop Production and Livestock (Cattle) Rules.

These Rules regulate the grazing of bulls, cows, oxen, heifers and calves over one year old in controlled areas, i.e. the areas set out in the first column of the First Schedule to these Rules. Only cattle that have been branded in accordance with these Rules...

Executive Regulation for the Environmental Law for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification.

The Executive Regulation further makes provisions for: surveying, inventorying and classifying vegetation cover lands, controls pertaining to rangelands, controls pertaining to national, wild, and geological parks, investing in vegetation cover development activities, offences ad penalties, etc. ...
Saudi Arabia

Grazing Lands (43 USC Ch. 8A)

This chapter concerns grazing lands in general and in Alaska. Specifically, it provides for grazing districts, their establishment, restrictions, prior rights, rights-of-way; hearing and notice, hunting or fishing rights; protection, administration, regulation, and improvement of districts, rules and regulations; study of erosion and flood control; grazing...
United States of America
0000 (2020)

Public Rangelands Improvement (43 USC Ch. 37)

This chapter provides for public rangelands improvement. It states that the Congress finds and declares that (1) vast segments of the public rangelands are producing less than their potential for livestock, wildlife habitat, recreation, forage, and water and soil conservation benefits, and for that reason are...
United States of America
0000 (2020)

Rules and Regulations for Lease of Government Reserved Forest Land & Government Land.

Section 1-14 provide for the general requirements on lease of GRF land. GRF land may be leased for sustainable use and management to a juristic person specified in section 11(a) of the Rules and Regulations. Applicant for lease of GRF land in general shall adhere...
0000 (2009)

Trust Land (Isiolo) Rules.

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the possession of livestock and the grazing of livestock in the Isiolo Special Leasehold Area. They prohibit the occupation of land or the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey,...
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