BSF Project - Second Cycle
Participatory Conservation & Utilization of Rice Genetic Resources for Livelihood & Food Security in Bhutan
THIS BSF PROJECT IS FOCUSSED ON THE poorest areas in Bhutan, where farmers are engaged in subsistence farming of lowland rain-fed and irrigated rice varieties: the provinces of Samtse, Samdrup Jongkhar and Monggar. This project aims at improving food security for these communities by providing access to diverse varieties of rice made available from the National Gene Bank, as well as through the selection in the field of best performing varieties. In addition, income generation will also be enhanced through value addition and marketing of local/traditional rice. Our partners in Bhutan are implementing participatory selection of high yielding and locally adapted rice varieties, promoting sustainable management and conservation, and strengthening water source irrigation facilities.
A baseline survey has been carried out to identify farmer’s needs with regard to PGRFA, identify trends in the farming systems, the constraints faced by farmers and shape the project activities from a bottom up perspective. Farmers have already identified and selected a number of varieties of rice, maize, wheat and millet that demonstrate high yields and have the potential to improve their food security situation. In addition, our partners are sourcing and providing improved varieties for the Participatory Varietal Selection.
This will, in the long run, broaden the rice genetic base and provide insurance against diseases and pests outbreaks. A Biodiversity Fair has been organized to give farmers the opportunity to share, interact, exchange seeds and knowledge, and build on established good practices. More importantly, the fair provides the farmers an opportunity to showcase seed collections resulting from their selection and conservation practices.
A study visit to Community Seed Banks and on-farm conservation sites in Nepal has been organized by LI-BIRD, our executing partner for the BSF project in Nepal, to train and build capacity on Community Seed Bank management and further strengthen and up-scale Bhutanese Seed Banks.
Window 2 - Immediate action projects
Region: Asia
Target Countries: Bhutan
Implementing institution: National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal Government of Bhutan