
BSF Project - Third Cycle

Co-Development and transfer of Rice Technologies
Where are we working?
Climate change causes extreme temperatures and affects water availability which in turn affects rice production, thus threatening global food security. Rice landraces may contain important alleles with tolerances to abiotic stress (e.g. drought, salinity, flooding) and/or biotic stress (e.g. blast, bacterial leaf blight, brown plant hopper infestation).
This Benefit-sharing Fund project aims to discover new sources of alleles to improve resilience to climate change and ensure quality rice production in Indonesia, Malaysia, Lao PDR and Philippines.

What are we doing?
  • Development of a ‘gene pool’ of local rice varieties, and improved breeding lines from the four participating countries;
  • Transfer and dissemination of improved varieties to both farmers and breeders in all countries;
  • Genome re-sequencing of selected local rice varieties and genome-wide genotyping of all local varieties using SNPs;
  • Evaluation and identification of varieties resistant to biotic stresses, including through participatory selection;
  • Development of new breeding lines.

What has been achieved to date?
A total of 106 rice varieties have been exchanged by the participating countries, pooled and documented. The 88 local varieties and 18 modern varieties have been characterized according to their morpho-agronomic traits and grain quality, as well as through the use of molecular markers.
200 accessions have been genotyped for molecular analysis. Genes related to drought, heat, and cold tolerance have been identified. A set of useful markers for marker assisted breeding and functional biodiversity conservation have been identified, selected and validated.
A web-based Platform for the Co-Development and Transfer of Rice Technologies has been established, allowing communication between participating countries and dissemination of project data on rice varieties.
Three workshops have been organized in Indonesia, Philippines and Lao PDR, and project results have been presented at a total of four national and international conferences.

Who has benefited?
The project’s primary beneficiaries are an estimated 15,600 smallholder farmers and landless labourers in the participating countries (5,600 women, 10,000 men). Farmers and landless farm workers have been involved in participatory selection and received relevant training.
Over 400 scientists and researchers (150 women, 250 men) from participating countries have directly benefited from the implementation of the project, specifically from materials transfer from different countries, establishment of a collective pool, and identification of varieties with promising genetic make-ups.
An estimated 4000 students (50:50 male:female ratio) benefitted from various information, education and communication activities conducted.

Best practices and success stories
The establishment of a multimedia platform has been very successful in facilitating communication among partners. This is the first time that four South East Asian countries have agreed to share rice germplasm and rice technologies without any restrictions of intellectual property rights. Instead their focus has been on technology transfer and knowledge sharing among different institutions as well as on farmer benefit. For instance, Indonesia and the Philippines have varieties with resistance to blast and bacterial leaf blight (BB), which were successfully transferred to farmers in Lao PDR, who had previously faced challenges with blast.
Window 3 - Co-development and Transfer of Technology project
Region: Asia
Target Countries: Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Philippines
Implementing institution: ICABIOGRAD-IAARD, MARDI, PhilRice, ARC-NAFRI

Link to dedicated website

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