المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة

BSF Factsheets - First Cycle

The Governing Body of the International Treaty opened the first call for proposals under the Benefit-sharing Fund in December 2008. Eleven small scale projects (5 from Latin America and the Caribbean, 4 from Africa, 1 from Asia and 1 from Near East) were approved to be funded through the Fund.

The decision was taken by the Bureau of the Third Session of the Governing Body of the Treaty which met in Tunis on 31 May 2009 to appraise the eligible project proposals, on the basis of recommendations made by a Panel of Experts. The projects duration is of two years, starting from November 2009 until October 2011.

An unassuming wild vine brings power to Uruguayan potatoes

Broadening of potato genetic basis through introgression of local wild species

Rebuilding farmers’ safety nets through on-farm conservation

Strengthening on-farm conservation and use of sorghum, finger millet, lablab beans and yam crop diversities for improved food security and adaptation to climate changes in Tanzania

Researchers help local farmers save maize wild relative

Rescue, conservation and sustainable management of teocintle in Nicaragua in the Apacunca Genetic Reserve

Farmers choose best-adapted varieties for testing

Conservation of agrobiodiversity of local cultivars of millet, maize and sorgum through improved participatory methods

Peruvian “guardians” lead Potato Park to a secure future

Conservation and sustainable use of native potato diversity in the Potato Park, Cusco, Peru

Scientists and farmers team-up to seek diversity in Morocco’s fields

On-farm conservation and mining of local durum and bread wheat landraces of Morocco for biotic stresses and incorporating UG99 resistance

Improving finger millet, then returning it to farmers’ fields

Characterization, genetic enhancement and revitalization of finger millet in western Kenya

Women’s group completes food chain from field to market

Conservation, dissemination and popularization of local-specific farmer-developed varieties by establishing village-level enterprises

Improving local citrus varieties to meet consumer taste

On-farm conservation and in vitro preservation of citrus local varieties and sustainable utilization in Egypt

Farmers collaborate to improve knowledge on major food crops

Contribution of traditional methods for the in situ conservation and management of maize and beans to the food security of farming families in Cuba

Costa Rica’s local potato species solve global problems

Identification of useful potato germplasm adapted to biotic and abiotic stresses caused by global climate change

The first cycle of Treaty Benefit-sharing Fund Projects Teams farmers with scientists and fields with labs

More than 350 groups with ideas about ways to conserve the world’s crop genetic diversity applied for the first cycle of grants made by the Benefit-sharing Fund, with winners announced 31 May 2009 at the Third Session of the Treaty Governing Body (GB3) in Tunis.

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