International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Community based on-farm conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA

Community based on-farm conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA was initiated in 2001. The activities are mainstreamed and implemented in collaboration with Agriculture Research and Development Centres (ARDC), Dzongkhag (District) Agriculture Sector and farming communities. Objectives include to conserve, develop and sustainably utilize diversity of PGRFA and associated traditional knowledge for livelihood, sustenance and adaptation to changing climate. In Bhutan, about 98% of seed requirements are covered through farmers’ seed systems. To strengthen this system, seed selection, purification and rehabilitation of traditional crops (buckwheat, rice and maize) is being carried out and Community Seed Banks with basic seed storage facilities have been established. During the last five years, over 36 rice, three buckwheat and four maize varieties have been rehabilitated and promoted. Farmers are recognised for their contributions to crop conservation and awarded in kind and cash during biodiversity fairs held on important national days; in/ex-country educational visits to relevant institutes are facilitated through government and international supports. Around 5000 farmers have taken part in exchange visits and experience-sharing activities. To enhance production and promote sale of farm produce, cooperatives and farmers groups are established. 155 functional farm shops were opened; 61 cooperatives and 370 farmers groups were registered.

Institution/organization Government organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressed Art. 9.1, Art. 9.2a, Art. 9.2b, Art. 9.2c, Art. 9.3
Type of measure/practice Technical, Administrative
Country Bhutan
Region Asia
Link(s) to further information about the measure/practice
Keyword(s) Awards, Community seed banks, Farming communities, In situ conservation, Local varieties, PGRFA, Seed fairs, Seed system, Sustainable use

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