International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Treaty Studies on the Enhancement of the Multilateral System

At its Fifth Session, the Governing Body decided to establish the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing through Resolution 2/2013, Implementation of the Funding Strategy of the International Treaty. The Working Group will develop a range of measures for consideration and decision by the Governing Body at its Sixth Session that will:

(a) Increase user-based payments and contributions to the Benefit-sharing Fund in a sustainable and predictable long-term manner, and,

(b) Enhance the functioning of the Multilateral System by additional measures.

 For this purpose, the Secretariat initiated in 2014 the preparation of a number of short, strategic preliminary studies, taking into account all available information of relevance to the work of the Working Group. This page presents the studies, as well as the their synoptic versions -which will be translated-. 

Study 1:  Estimating Income To Be Expected From Possible Changes In The Provisions Governing The Functioning Of The Multilateral System

Synoptic Study 1 (IT/OWG-EFMLS-2/14/3)   -    Background Study 1 (dedicated web page)      

Study 2 : Evaluation and further development of innovative approaches: Policy and legal study on the feasibility and effects of changes in the functioning of the Multilateral System

Synoptic Study 2   (IT/OWG-EFMLS-2/14/4)      

Study 3 : An analysis on how to enhance mechanisms for capacity-building, technology transfer and information exchange

Synoptic Study 3   (IT/OWG-EFMLS-2/14/5)   -    Research Studies (dedicated web page)

Study 4 : An analysis of the factors that influence the willingness of stakeholder groups to make contributions to the Benefit-sharing Fund and to access to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture from the Multilateral System

Synoptic Study 4   (IT/OWG-EFMLS-2/14/6)    -    Background Study 4        

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