International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Third meeting of the Standing Committee on the Funding Strategy and Resource Mobilization (SFC-3)

23/02/2021 to 26/02/2021


Working Documents

» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/1
Draft Provisional Agenda
» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/2
Annotated Provisional Agenda and Timetable
» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/3
Draft skeleton outline of the strategy to mobilize funds from food processing industries
» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/4
First draft MEL Framework: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework for the Benefit-sharing Fund
» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/5
Options Paper for BSF-5

Information Documents

» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/Inf.1
List of Documents
» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/Inf.2
Note for Participants
» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/Inf.3
Draft Report of the First Phase of the Independent Evaluation of the Third Project Cycle of the Benefit-sharing Fund

Other Documents

Meeting proceedings - Second meeting of the Standing Committee on the Funding Strategy and Resource Mobilization
Resolution 3/2019, Implementation of the Updated Funding Strategy of the International Treaty 2020-2025
MEL framework and BSF-3 evaluation recommendations
Presentation of phase 1 of BSF-3 evaluation results for 28 January 2021 webinar
FAO Strategy for Private Sector Engagement, 2021-2025


» IT/GB-9/SFC-3/21/Proceedings
Meeting Proceedings


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Invitation and Notifications

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