International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

First Meeting of the Expert Group on the Terms of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement

04/10/2004 to 08/10/2004

Belgium ()

Working Documents

» CGRFA/IC/MTA-1/04/01
Draft Provisional Agenda
» CGRFA/IC/MTA-1/04/02
Provisional Annotated Agenda and Time-Table
» CGRFA/IC/MTA-1/04/03
Terms of Reference for the Expert Group on the Terms of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement

Information Documents

» CGRFA/IC/MTA-1/04/Inf.01
List of Documents

Other Documents

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» CGRFA/IC/MTA-1/04/Rep
Report on the outcome of the Expert Group on the Terms of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement


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Invitation and Notifications

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