International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing

02/10/2015 to

Italy (Rome)

The Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-Sharing will be held in Rome, Italy, commencing on Friday, 2 October. The Co-Chairs of the Working Group, Dr. Bert Visser and Mr. Modesto Fernández, will report on progress made to the Governing Body on Monday 5 October. Following such report, the Governing Body will provide guidance on the possible continuation of the meeting of the Working Group so that it could finalize its work by meeting on the evenings of 5 and 6 October, and possibly of 7 October. Delegates and stakeholders will be able to hold regional and inter-regional consultations on the same day, in the early morning and throughout the meeting.

Research Paper 8

A new estimation on countries' interdependence Tool for calculation of rates

Working Documents

» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/1
Draft Provisional Agenda
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/2
Draft Annotated Provisional Agenda and Timetable
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/3
Draft Revised Standard Material Transfer Agreement
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/4
Commentary on Structural Elements for the Development of a Subscription Model/System

Information Documents

» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/Inf.1
List of Documents
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/Inf.2
Note for Participants
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/Inf.3
Submissions received by the Working Group during the Biennium, in preparation for the Subscription System and the Draft Revised Standard Material Transfer Agreement
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/Inf.4
Possible Objectives and Elements of a Protocol to the International Treaty
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-4/15/Inf.5
Exploring a proposal to develop a mechanism of contributions by Contracting Parties to the Benefit-Sharing Fund

Other Documents

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» IT/GB-6/15/6 Rev. 2
Consolidated Report on the Deliberations of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System, during the 2014–2015 Biennium


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Invitation and Notifications

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