International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


New Delhi, India, 17 September 2022 – “Celebrating Farmers as Guardians of Crop Diversity” was the focus of a Special Event held in New Delhi today at the Pullman Aerocity. The event was opened by Yasmina El-Bahloul,...
New Delhi, India, 19 September 2022 – The Ninth Session of the Governing Body (GB-9) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) was formally inaugurated by the Indian Minister of Agriculture...
New Delhi, India 17 September 2022 – The Government of Norway announced a contribution of 40 million Norwegian Kroners (approximately USD 4 million) to the Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty on Plant...
The session on the ITPGRFA will discuss the need to develop the climate-resilient varieties of foodgrains The ninth session of the Governing Body on the ‘International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture’ (ITPGRFA) will begin here on Monday....
India will host the 9th Session of Governing Body of the 'International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture' (ITPGRFA) from 19-24th September, 2022 in New Delhi. The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer's Welfare today organized a pre event briefing/Curtain...

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