International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


After disasters, emergency interventions mainly focus on saving lives and providing water, food and shelter. Protecting and rebuilding local seed reserves is often overlooked, even though traditional seeds are crucial for food and nutrition security. The good news is that...
Supporting projects in developing countries through the FAO International Treaty ROME, Italy, 15 June 2020 – For the third consecutive year, the French seed sector, Groupement National Interprofessionnel des Semences et plants (
Participatory research approach to characterise genetic resources in food legumes   Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy, 4 June 2020 – 28 international partners from 14 different countries are launching the new EU research project INCREASE with...
The crop diversity in CGIAR’s international genebanks continues to be in great demand. That’s music to the ears of genebank managers, who naturally want to see their carefully conserved collections put to good use. But it also places great pressure...
Thanks to the collaboration of national and international genebanks and plant breeders, the Global Information System (GLIS) of the International Treaty on PGRFA now...

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