International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Un proyecto para articular la gobernanza, la gestión colectiva y el conocimiento asociados a la diversidad genética en la agricultura familiar y campesina del Uruguay fue anunciado en el marco de un taller regional del Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos...
Conservation et utilisation durable des ressources phytogénétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture et droits des agriculteurs Les représentants de 30 pays africains et 17 Organisations non gouvernementales sont réunis à Dakar à l’occasion du plus grand atelier de formation régional jamais organisé...
It All Starts With the Seed The International Treaty (@Plant Treaty) is one of the fastest growing treaties, now boasting a membership of 146 Contracting Parties, including the European Union[1]. FAO recently acknowledged the International Treaty on Plant Genetic...
The Seminar on the Mainstreaming of Agricultural Biodiversity and the UN FAO’s ITPGRFA In order to further respond positively to President Xi Jinping’s call for “construction of global ecological civilization, deep participation in global environmental governance, and formation of solutions for...
The Mainstreaming of Agricultural Biodiversity and ITPGRFA” Seminar Organized by CBCGDF Keynote Sharing On July 10th, a seminar themed “The Mainstreaming of Agricultural Biodiversity and ITPGRFA (United Nations FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) organized by...

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