International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Pepe Esquinas talks (in Espanol) about the interdependence of nations on one another for food during the FAO International PLANT TREATY (UNFAO)'s 15th Anniversary in Rome   Watch the video here
ROME, Nov 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Rich and poor countries are at loggerheads over how to share benefits from genetic plant data that could help breed crops better able to withstand climate change, as negotiations to revise a global...
As the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture turns 15, we take a look back at some of the major achievements in the sustainable conservation of plant genetic resources  Regarded by FAO as one of our
Un proyecto para articular la gobernanza, la gestión colectiva y el conocimiento asociados a la diversidad genética en la agricultura familiar y campesina del Uruguay fue anunciado en el marco de un taller regional del Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos...
Conservation et utilisation durable des ressources phytogénétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture et droits des agriculteurs Les représentants de 30 pays africains et 17 Organisations non gouvernementales sont réunis à Dakar à l’occasion du plus grand atelier de formation régional jamais organisé...

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