International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Fond za raspodelu koristi Međunarodnog ugovora za biljne genetičke resurse za hranu i poljoprivredu (Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture) je prvi put of svog formiranja okupio dobitnike četvrtog poziva...
The Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture has gathered for the first time the winners of the Fourth Call for Benefit-sharing Fund (BSF) Project Proposals at the headquarters of Food and Agriculture...
Users of the Global Information System will benefit from the joint initiative of CrossRef and DataCite, which have jointly launched guidelines on how publishers should facilitate the citation of plant material through Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). This initiative will improve...
145 Contracting Parties Rome, Italy, 02 December 2018 – Mongolia becomes the 145th member of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture today. With an area of 1.5 million...
Global Information System of FAO International Treaty Tunis, Tunisia, 07 November 2018 – “This training workshop is very beneficial and will enable our national genebank to share skills and knowledge acquired here with genebanks in other Arab and...

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