International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


An article by Norwegian Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food, Hanne Maren Blafjelldal Genetic diversity is essential for all food production - both in Norway, Malawi and the rest of the world. Together in the North and in the...
Årets sommar med tørke og store avlingsskadar viser tydeleg kor utfordrande matproduksjonen er, og gjev ein peikepinn på kor vanskeleg det er å tilpasse seg eit meir ekstremt og uforutsibart vêr. Det uforutsigbare vêret er òg ei påminning om kor viktig...
A historic meeting on Farmers’ Rights took place at the FAO headquarters in Rome this week, under the auspices of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. “The concept of Farmers’ Rights is based...
Rome, Italy, 05 September 2018 – A special event on “Innovative funding, big data and other trends in funding biodiversity in agriculture” kicked off the 10th meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Funding Strategy for the FAO International...
Dr. Kent Nnadozie has recently taken over as the Secretary of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (ITPGRFA) during GB7 at Kigali. Dr. Nnadozie has a long experience of working on legal and policy matters and intergovernmental processes, with...

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